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How Long Did It Take For You To Find Your Niche?

Or where you come to a place where you felt like you belonged. I’m 22 and i feel like a chicken with its head cut off. I have a dysfunctional family (mom has bipolar, dad is financially supportive but emotionally vacant and brother has schizophrenia) I still don’t feel like i have found my niche or belong. How long did it take you all out there?

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  1. Shaelyn says:

    First things first, what your mom, dad or brother does DOES NOT define YOU.
    The only responcibility of your parents was to birth you and bring you into this world. My suggestion would be to stop analyzing all of their problems and start looking at yourself. What are YOUR strengths and weaknesses. Once you figure out who YOU are as a person, and what you like, go from there. What are you passionate about? Do you like to help people (charity work)? are you good at math or writing? do you like politics? Fashion? Sports? Like you said, you are 22 and you are a grown up. Life is too short to waste it on trying to figure out what to do with yourself. Grab onto something you like and go full force into it. Goodluck

  2. Jay R says:

    Guess what. There is no niche. You are and always have been fine. Confused, maybe, but fine. I grew up being ashamed of my family because they were such creeps. You must not short change yourself just because your family is a bit of a mess.

  3. Miranda says:

    I was in my 30s when I found it. And it lasted for a few years until I thought there might be another place for me, and learned that there wasn’t. So, I’m back to seeking again. I know how you feel, it’s really quite hard to find where one fits, I certainly empathize with you. It’s not necessarily a matter of how long, it’s about who you are and what it is you are doing with your life. Keep moving towards what suits you, just remember that.

  4. sharon s says:

    Things were rough around my house also, So by the age 11 yrs old I knew I was going to have to be on my own even if I lived in the house with my parents. They were not there a lot . It was just me and the dog. So I think I did a pretty good job on bring me up. But, I got really lucky when I meet my second hubby. That was 20 yrs ago. He got me where I should be. I feel like a whole person now and I am in charge. lololololololol I am woman hear me roar.


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