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Have People Forgotten The Meaning Behind Christmas?

When I drive around and see Christmas decor I notice that 9 out of 10 have no religious affiliated decor. Further, I see everyone scrambling about buying expensive Christmas gifts and eating fattening foods. Does this not go against the purpose of Christmas, which is to celebrate Christ’s birth?

No Responses to “Have People Forgotten The Meaning Behind Christmas?”

  1. Panion says:

    No one celebrates x mas as the birth of Christ. Its mainly a reason to get family together to enjoy the day.

  2. I Love You! says:

    Yes I think that most people have forgotten the meaning behind christmas which is sad because it is Jesus’s birth. Alot of things you see in the shops now are just to take away the religion of Christmas but believe it or not it is happening with Easter too. This is when he died and rose again but everyone just goes around eating chocolate eggs and start thinking about the Easter bunny. It’s so sad watching all this I’m so glad someone is with me.

  3. Stepheni says:

    Yeah everybody forgets the real meaning of Christmas.

  4. TONI101 says:

    A poet once said: “A rose by any other name is still a rose.”
    Christmas is not the birthday of Jesus. It is a pagan holiday.
    There is no direct statement in the Bible concerning the month or day of Jesus’ birth. Where, then, did the date of December 25 come from? According to The Encyclopædia Britannica, some who called themselves Christians “wished the date to coincide with the pagan Roman festival marking . . . the winter solstice, when the days again begin to lengthen and the sun begins to climb higher in the sky.” That same reference work notes that many Christmas customs originated with “pagan agricultural and solar observances at midwinter.”
    Would Jesus approve of the celebration of his birth on December 25? Consider: The day of Jesus’ birth is unknown. Nowhere do the Scriptures direct us to celebrate that birth, nor is there any evidence that early Christians did so. In contrast, the Bible provides the exact day of Jesus’ death, and he commanded his followers to observe that day. (Luke 22:19) Clearly, Jesus wanted emphasis to be placed, not on his birth, but on the value of his sacrificial death.—Matthew 20:28.

  5. Omgits__ says:

    What TONI101 said, Christ was not born on Christmas, the Western Christian Church adapted christmas on december 25, because earlier christians believed that nine months before this date was when Jesus was conceived. Eastern Christianity actually celebrated christmas on january 6.
    So what if people want to spend time and money and eat fatty foods to be with family and friends during this holiday, it makes people happy, isnt that enough?

  6. Tash says:

    I agree with TONI101

  7. Mellisa Steward says:

    Its quite sad that every one has forget the meaning of Christmas..But a festival cause for celebration and every person have a different way of celebration,so its alright…

  8. Organize says:

    Let me preface this by saying that I am a Christian and that the birth of Jesus is the purpose of our celebration. However, that is because I am a Christian. For those non-Christians, their celebration of Christmas is more commercial. They are not going to celebrate something they do not know, understand or believe in just as we would not.
    Even Christians can go overboard during the Christmas season, though, with shopping and food. It is not limited to non-believers.
    Instead of judging others, the best thing you could do is share with them your reason for celebrating. Invite them to your church’s Christmas Cantata, Children’s Play, etc.
    EDITED TO ADD: The information that others have pointed out, that Christmas day was not the day Jesus was born on, is accurate. It is only the day that we as Christians celebrate his birth. There is a great book by William J. Federer about where all of the various traditions associated with Christmas came from and how the evolved (I highly recommend it).


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