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How To Not Care What People Think Of You Or Say?

in high school. When you dress differently and look differently. I have very big thick lips, big wide eyes and a slim body. I dress “gothic” “emo” “punk”. People always think i am that. I don’t necessarily get made fun of. I get alot of stares like rude stares. Those smiling mean ones and the disgusted stare. Never really anyone came up to me insulting me. I’m a girl and 16. I’m kind of awkward,shy, quiet. , but i just shrug it off and get it over with.
I try to look up instead of looking down and i try to smile more often but it’s just weird, but people always assume i’m angry or sad. I try making new friends but no one wants to not even the people who i think i relate to in terms of style etc. I came off as a “stalker” and “wannabe” i guess. I have unusual features and i wish i can make my lips smaller and wish i were pretty and confident. How can i look confident? I keep caring what people think. I feel if i smile and keep my head up i will trip over something :o.

No Responses to “How To Not Care What People Think Of You Or Say?”

  1. Severin says:

    The best way is to simply discipline yourself out of it. When I first started dressing in the Gothic fashion in public, I almost felt intimidated by the stares — and the occasional glares — that I got from the people around me.
    Whenever I had/have an insecure thought, or I begin to feel a bit cornered, I just give myself a confidence boost. I remind myself that what I wear is *my* choice, and if they don’t like it — who cares? So long as I feel beautiful and I’m not dressing like a slut, that’s what matters. The longer I practice this, the less fearful I feel out in public.
    On the other hand, however, if you ever feel uncomfortable in something because it feels to flamboyant or whatever, then ditch it. Don’t let your style wear you, honey.
    People are going to assume that you’re angry/sad/depressed, because that’s what their minds are wired to affiliate dark colors with. It’s unfortunate, but it’s ineluctable. The best way to handle this is to either counter it (by being visibly happy and polite; smiling at people when you make eye-contact or just being nice), or ignore it. You’re going to have to just ignore it a lot of the time, because you can’t spend your days trying to prove every single person out there wrong.
    As for your makeup, my advice for your lips would be to under-draw them; don’t paint your entire lips, leave a bit uncolored. This makes your lips seem smaller.

  2. Modest Genius says:

    Go to the mall and visit a makeup counter; or maybe a cosmetology school. Ask for advice on your makeup and lipstick.
    Regarding dress: whether you intend it or not, Goth or punk is sending a message. If you don’t want to send that message, then dress in clothing that is more usual in your school.

  3. Nazgul says:

    This I common in high school, the only thing you can do is not to pay attention, when you get out of school and become an adult most of this will go away do to the fact that people have to work and little life isues become unimportant.


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