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Why Isn’t The U.s. Government Being Overhauled?

If the U.S. govt. was a private business all the upper management (president, congress, senate and supreme court) would have been fired years ago. Washington is a disgrace with all the corruption that is going on with these special interest groups, but nothing is being done about it!
What is it going to take to make our government reliable?
A good example is the congress and senate. Any senator or congress person that has any ties to special interest groups and is getting money from them should be put in jail, but it never seems to happen. Boehner and Reid should be made examples and put into jail for the illegal money they have taken from special interest groups.
Boehner has gotten rich off this student loan scam. Reid has a scam going on with his son-in-law that is at the tune of 5 billion dollars.
These crooks need to go to jail!!!

No Responses to “Why Isn’t The U.s. Government Being Overhauled?”

  1. Liv says:

    Ummm, dude, as bad as politicians are…..big corporations are WAY more corrupt.
    Do you not pay attention to the news?
    The tech companies selling military secrets to China?
    The banks laundering money for Al-Qaeda?
    CEOs purposely destroying the housing market to drive up stock prices?

  2. Denver says:

    “These are the wicked, who are at ease indefinitely.” Psalms 73:12

  3. agb90spr says:

    Because idiot voters keep electing them!

  4. lost 1 says:

    Husama is doing his beat to overhaul America Trouble is he wants to turn us into a Marxist State

  5. Keith says:

    Because they won’t agree its needed.

  6. serenaz says:

    Because we get the government we deserve … !


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