Archive | February, 2013

I Think I Was Scammed!?

I’m such an idiot i can’t believe i signed in.. I just upgraded my phone and i thought they were sending me a text about my account .. i got a text:
# 1 (410) 000-002
1 of 2
MSG:Congratulations! We are satisfied to inform you that we
(Con’t) 2 of 2
have awarded you, for more details please visit:
I didn’t think anything of it at first.. it comes to a page that looks very similar to at&t except i didnt read the website address once it loaded cause it was on my phone and i wasn’t thinking. Well i forgot my account and password so i had to do all that and when you click on the forgot password link it does bring you to a real at&t website to get that but i went back and logged on .. it asked for my last 4 SSN! NOOOOOOOOOOO why did i think they would need that im so stupid..
I changed my password called at&t had them set up extra security on my account by adding a pass code for any changes so i don’t think they can add a line or buy a phone with my account?? i don’t even think they could u would need to add a credit card to the account and there is not one.. i cant find ANYTHING about this website is what it redirects you to.. is the main site and that def isn’t an at&t affiliate.. i am usually so cautious i cant believe i did this.. what can happen? the login doesn’t use a name just my phone number and ssn .. and only the last 4 of it not the full ssn.. can they get me .. is there anything else i can do?

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Can I Sue For Hospital Acquired Nosocomial Infection?


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Summary Of Stonehenge Please!?

Hello friend, can you make me a summary of Stonehenge?
This is the text:
Scientific archaeology dividies the building of Stonehenge into five or six phases.
What we now see in merely the end-product – the point where the work stopped.
The majority of these rare blue stones come from only one place: a small area in the exrteme south-west tip of Wales.
The blue stone clearly possessed a potent symbolic or “holy” value for prehistoric man.
The main attraction of the stone was certainly its colour.
The Beaker people, the first Bronze Age people in Britain, were sky-worshippers, and we also know blue was an important colour for an eventually succeding culture, the Celtic.
The Celts tattooed and painted themselves with the indigo-hued dye of wood, a plant they introduced to Britain for the Purpose.
The very word “British” means “the (blue-)painted Celts”.
To a modern eye, blue stone looks more dark grey, maybe as an effect of weathering.
Almost certainly each stone, which weighs up to five tons, required a team of at least sixteen men per ton to be shifted on land.
But almost every visitor wants to ask the same question.
What was Stonehenge for?
We can obviously grant it a religious and ritual function; the astroarchaeologists would grant it an observatory one.
It may have served more secular purposes such as lawgiving and judging; as a truce-ground in inter-tribal disputes; and perhaps even as some sort of annual market-place.
The one mistake to avoid is to suppose that one function, or set of function, must have reigend throughout since we know Stonehenge was “active” for at least 1,700 years.
There is on other possible purpose, and this is that from the beginning it was intented to catch the attention of eyes above.
The degree to which primitive men personified – made things into persons – is beyond our imagining today.
Even the stones as Stonehenge would have had “souls”; and we may conclude that the sun and the moon were granted even more anthropomorphic being.
Science, homewer, cannot explain the total experience of Stonehenge, a place that manages to speak a universal language.
It is the openness of the Stonehenge that is no remarkable: it is a ring not merely of doors, but of open doors.
It invities entry, it does not rebuff the outsider.
Another clue to the secret of Stonehenge lies in the tremendous extra effort involved in raising and morticing fast these 7-ton lintels.
This seems incontrovertible evidence of a determination to build for all time; to make sure the vertical stones will never lean of fall.
The lintel-stones not only defy gravity literally, the defy the gravity if natural oblivion.
The were indeed the greatest puzzle for all the early observers of Stonehenge who could explain their erection only by magic.
Stonehenge is not simply a momorial to its Bronze Age buildiers; it is a memorial to a dream, and a dream still dreamt by each.
Something of me shall survive.
Please, I need by tonight !!

Posted in Affiliate Marketing 1010 Comments

Show Jumping Rules…?

Please could you explain a few show jumping rules to me, preferably including a complex rule (like the ‘off side’ rule in football is a complex rule).
clarification of faults would be helpful.
Refusal = 4 faults
Knock down = 4 faults
Time faults = ???
Allowed 2 refusals (8 faults) then on the 3rd you are eliminated.
Unplanned Dismount (fall of horse or rider) = elimination.
Is there a maximum amount of faults that you can receive before getting eliminated? Like if you get a refusal (4 faults) then 2 knock downs (8 faults) meaning that you get 12 faults does that mean you are eliminated? Could you knock down every jump and just gather lots of faults but not be eliminated?
Do the rules change between affiliated and unaffiliated?
Like, my riding school does unaffiliated show jumping competitions and doesn’t have time faults, time only comes into consideration in the jump off.
This is for my PE GCSE course where I need to write in detail about 2 rules (preferably 1 complex) so any info regarding show jumping is helpful.

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Anyone With Up To Date Advice On Freelance Journalism?

I’ve been looking up previous questions on this but there don’t seem to be that many recent ones. Does anyone out there in Yahoo land have experience of working as a freelance writer in the UK, or of submitting speculative articles with or without success to newspapers etc? I should explain that I am not a teenage dreamer, I am a mature person with a solid knowledge of a niche subject and a track record of academic writing about it, kind of looking to transition to writing about my subject in a more commercial way. Just really wondering whether it’s possible to get paid for writing at all now, or is everything taken free from social media ??

Posted in Affiliate Marketing 1010 Comments

Why Are Walmart Peanut M&ms So Cheap?

On the Walmart website it’s $8.98 for a 42oz (2.625lbs) pack, that’s $3.42/lb how come it costs so much more to buy in bulk from Aren’t they the same thing?……
My understanding is that represents a specific manufacturer, owning the US factories which produce the products they make. I know they say “everything from Walmart is Made in China” but surely not the food. I imagine that Walmart gets their nut products from factories in the US like the factories represented by who get their nuts from the same farms here in the US. So, since is bulk directly from the factory who gets their nuts from US farms and Walmart gets theirs from other US factories which get theirs from the same US farms, how is it possible that it costs more from Or does Walmart just buy in super bulk options that we aren’t given at And if Walmart does import their food products from China, WTF?
I emailed for an official quote, but received this reply:
Thanks for contacting us. We are not affiliated with Walmart, so our prices may differ.
🙂 [Their Name]
I replied with a more detailed, specific, and direct question. And received this reply:
Hi Pal,
I’m not sure where Walmart gets their supply from. I can, however, tell you where our supply is from if you tell me the specific products you are looking for. Our products come from all around the world.
🙂 [Their Name]
To which I replied:
My initial “testimonial” was made out to the Peanut M&Ms product, and I mentioned Peanut M&Ms 3 times in my last message. Thank you for your quick reply.
-Pål [Surname]
And they replied:
Hi Pal,
Thank you for specifying. The peanut m&ms are from the US.
🙂 [Their Name]
So officially states that their Peanut M&Ms definitely do come from the USA. But where does Walmart get their Peanut M&Ms? Are they Chinese M&Ms or do they actually come from the same place?

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