Archive | February, 2013

Is It Possible For A Person To Repudiate His Own Flesh And Blood?

Why do Americans think that social identity ought to be defined by one’s parentage; whereas on the other hand, the spiritual leader Sri Sathya Sai Baba was born into a poor family, and presumably his parents are low-caste Shudras, but he is generally regarded as “God in human form” by large numbers of non-affiliated people in India, and across the globe?
Note: Remember, a spiritual avatar is HIGHER than the Brahmin caste in India. Mahatma Ghandi was considered to be HIGHER than a Brahmin. The spiritual pecking order is organized in rank descending order: God, Buddha, Bodisatva, Mahatma, Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra, and Dalit.
How does one explain the fact that Sai Baba is still regarded as “God in human form”, although his parents are low-caste Shudras?
Are we not agree about the fact that Jesus Christ is spiritually more advanced than both his parents who are not to be compared with God the Supreme Being?

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Is It Ironic That The “free Market” Is Making People Less Free As The Rich Take More And More?

or as the Republicans like to call it “they earned it”, they earned the right to reduce your wages and benefits while they take more and more and more and more until there is nothing more to take.

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How Spam Is Being Sent From My Email?

This morning someone has been in my yahoo account and has sent an email to everyone that I have sent an email to over the years. Im not sure how I can now warn everyone not to open the email. Its not only my contacts but everyone that I have emailed. What do I do???

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Mother Of All Snowstorm To Hit The East Coast, Climate Change Responsible?

New York (CNN) — Stores across the Northeast were packed with shoppers as people prepared for what could be a historic blizzard set to arrive on Friday.
In Reading, Massachusetts, residents were preparing for several feet of snow that could leave them stuck in their homes for days.
“It’s a zoo in there. There’s nothing left on the shelves. … I think I got every bottle of water that they had in stock,” Elizabeth Fraiser told CNN afilliate WHDH.
At the Home Depot, another resident said she had essential supplies but wanted to be doubly sure she was ready.
“I have a lot of it, but just want to be prepared. You never know,” Joanna Spinosa said.
A picture posted on the website of CNN affiliate WCVB showed long lines at a gas station in Boston.
What can man do to reverse the trend or is it too late?

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Money Or Developing A Niche For Yourself To Make More Than A Minimum Wage…?

You take the job, but then you realize several months have passed and you have actually made no progress. You’ve become content.
How do you approach a situation like this?

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Is It Normal To Be Able To Anally Penetrate A Man And Fellate Him At The Same Time?

I did this earlier, and he achieved orgasm twice. I suddenly realized that I have never viewed any adult films which featured this technique, leading me to believe that it may be a rare talent. Then again, it seems that the trend in gay pornography is to penetrate the anus while keeping the rest of the star’s body as far from his partner’s as possible. But I really think I may have found my niche. I knew it would be in porn, I just didn’t know WHERE in porn.
I apologize for the graphic nature of this post.

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