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Should I Start The Flute?any Tips?

I am on grade six singing and piano and used to play violin ages ago up to grade 3 but stopped because I didnt enjoy playing it. I want to get up to a high level (grade 6) in whatever instrument I choose to play though as well as playing it in orchestra. I am considering the flute (my most likely option),piccolo or oboe. Which one is the “easiest” out of these and will allow me to skip grades easily so I can advance quicker (I’m already 14 and a half). Thanks for any advice! btw I already had a clarinet taster lesson but it wasnt to my taste!
Also the orchestra I want to join is only a school one and I currently do play the piano and do singing which I both intend to do till grade 8. I love to play music but having enough time is hard as I do a lot of other sporting and drama commitments but I would love to play another musical instrument which I could play passionately. I just need help to find my niche in the large number of instruments available-thanks for all the comments so far though!(anybody got any advice on starting the flute?)

No Responses to “Should I Start The Flute?any Tips?”

  1. Aria D. says:

    If you want to!

  2. ash_rose says:

    Flute is the easiest I’m a music education major and I play flute and piccolo and piano and I sing and trust me flute is the easiest and you will never learn piccolo until you master the flute

  3. Aika says:

    I have played flute for two years in my school’s ensemble band, and I think it is fairly easy. Memorization of the notes only takes a few weeks at the most. Another plus to playing the flute is that if you learn to play it, you can also play the piccolo and various other forms of the flute like alto.

  4. HannahLo says:

    Start the flute. You will love it!
    I’m also 14 and a half, I have started working on my grade 7 piano, have finished all of my grades on flute and am now working on the advanced level performers certificate (not many people have heard of it – it is basically the ATCL deploma except it’s 5 mins shorter and you don’t get letters). Don’t learn the piccolo until you have learnt the flute as you will find it very difficult.
    The flute is a fairly easy instrument to learn once you get the hang of it and sounds lovely. You may like the oboe, but i personally think that it is much harder to blow into and to organise your reeds. Also, the oboe is similar to the clarinet so you may not like the oboe either.
    If the flute isn’t going to be your main instrument don’t worry – you will only need to spend a short amount of time practising. I’m in a LOT of musical, sporting and dramatic societies in and out of school, but i always have time to practise (i get up and practise before schhol [try it if you are willing as there is no need to worry when you get home] )


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