I’m a senior in high school and obviously am thinking about college and my future and everything.
it’s April, I graduate in June, and it’s just now hitting me how goddamn scary this is.
With my 4 years of education, little to no real-life application of this education, barely any education on what the **** starting a career in something entails, in the next couple of years I have to pick a major, one single major, that will define which path I take for the rest of my life. How the **** do you choose something that goddamn important?
My options so far, because of cost, are University of Denver if my financial aid works out, or going to a CC around me and getting a job(well I’m trying to do that regardless) and hopefully getting an apartment somewhere.
I live in a small town in Southern California, about equidistant from San Diego and LA. I hate this place and can’t wait to get out, but the fact that my only realistic college option(Denver’s financial aid people are super awesome) is in a completely different state, where I know nothing about and no one there. Like it’s crazy that if I move to Colorado, I will literally know nobody there and have no expectations of the state or what the next four years of my life will be like. I won’t be near any of my old best friends, maybe I’ll lose contact with them, maybe I’ll stay in touch through coming home on breaks, whatever, but no matter what, as soon as my parents drop me off there, I’m ******* alone as ****.
And then there’s the whole choosing my major thing, and I seriously am interested in so many freaking things and I have no idea how to figure out which one is best for me to pursue as a career.
I mean I’m a pretty social outgoing person, so I know wherever I end up, I’ll meet people, find my niche, and end up happy. I’m a pretty adaptable person and can make the best out of most situations, especially if I’m surrounded by people my age because in that case, it’s really not that hard to find a good time somewhere.
But holy ****, it’s just hitting me how extremely different my life may be just months from now.
I just go through random times when it hits me and I stay up late at night and think about things fully and it’s seriously scary. Not scary in a bad way, just scary. Like I’m excited for the future, it just scared the sh*t out of me. Because none of us have a damn clue where we’re gonna be a few years from now, really, and it’ll all be so hugely different.
Any advice on dealing with huge life changes? Stories? Scare yourself? Share, it”s make me feel better hahaha
don’t get your hopes up about the future being amazing… the real world sucks…
Degree = Student Loans
Job = probably not related to your degree
Bills = hatred of your own life
welcome to the real world!
no because i got a good job now and I went to college for a good career.
I’m leaving my school next year for my final exams, I love the friends I have right now, I have decent grades and I don’t want to be in year 11, I absolutely hate school, but the pros of it out weigh the cons. After my exams, I’ll be going to a different school and I don’t want to make new friends, I’m too afraid that I won’t find new friends as amazing as the ones I have right now. I hate growing up, I hate how fast time is going. I’ve realised that after high school, it will take more effort to stay close to my friends but I’ll most likely grow apart from them. I’m on easter holidays right now and I’ve never thought I’d be saying this but I want to be back in school, so weird. Cherish your moments in high school.