prepositions are words like “aboard, about, above, across, after, against, along, among, around, as, at, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, beyond, by, down, during, except, for, from, in, in front of, inside, instead of, into, like, near, next to, of, off, on ,out, out of, over, past, since, through, throughout, till, to, toward, under, underneath, unlike, until, up, up to, upon, with, within, without,
Conjunctions are words like: after, although, and, as, as if, as long as, as though, because, before, but, even if, for, if, if only, in order that, nor, now that, once, or , rather than, since, so , than, though, till unless, until, when, whenever, where, whereas, wherever, while
Here’s my mini paragraph/story if you could point out the prepositions and conjunctions so that I can check if my answers agree with yours, thank you
Who doesn’t love cinnamon right? As a kid I loved cinnamon so much, that I had it with toast, pancakes, even bread! After eating cinnamon for so long, it just got boring until Dr. Puffs liberated me with his new cereal Cinnamon Puffs., which made me fall in love with cinnamon all over again. Here’s a look as to what makes this cereal so great.
As you eat the cereal, you will feel positive from this really cool “honey” sensation, which comes from a special type of sugar. Although the cereal’s main ingredient is this special sugar, instead of gaining weight you will actually lose a couple of pounds! With this cereal you get everything; the taste, the positive attitude all while looking good.
Beyond just eating Cinnamon Puffs, the cheapest cereal on the market, you are also making the best choice for yourself. For example according to recent research, 95 percent of those who eat Cinnamon Puffs every morning for breakfast save money, feel better about themselves, as well as lose weight. Dr. Oz, the top doctor in the world, has been eating this cereal for over 20 years; he even picked it as the #1 cereal for people who want to be healthy.
So let’s say you are having a really bad day, well just one bite of Cinnamon Puffs will make you feel all better. The secret to why this happens is because Dr. Puffs injects each cinnamon puff with a healthy “feel good” syndrome. The cereal will make anyone feel better about themselves since all of the profits go to the Animal Humane Society, which helps animals get the care they need as well as a good home to go to. So every time you take a bit of Cinnamon Puffs you know that you are doing something good for all of those animals out there.
Cinnamon Puffs is the best cereal to hit the stores because it has so many immense benefits with the biggest one being that it makes you feel positive from this cool “honey” sensation. While eating this cereal every day, you know that you are making the best choice for yourself because you will feel better, you will save money since it is the cheapest cereal, you will lose some weight, but if Dr. Oz eats it, well you know it’s’ a good type of food for your body. Now it’s your turn to change for the better by buying Cinnamon Puffs, your best decision ever.
Cinnamon Puffs….. oh ooooooooooooooh OOOOOOOH YEAH. OOOOOH YEAH. MMMMM YEAH MMMM YES OH YEAH Cinnamon Puffs OH YES PLEASE Cinnamon Puffs PLEASE Cinnamon Puffs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…
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