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Does The Tea Party Have A Political Affiliation Or Not?

Back in 2010 they tried to say they did not have a political affiliations now they cry the IRS is picking on conservatives political groups. If they are involved in political affiliation then they where right to be singled out for political activities. What is the controversy? A political affiliated group wanted tax exempt status for their political activities that is reserved only for social welfare groups?

No Responses to “Does The Tea Party Have A Political Affiliation Or Not?”

  1. Babyspit says:

    (R)’s ashamed to call themselves (R)’s.
    definitely political groups that should not have received tax exempt status.

  2. Nikki S says:

    They are not republican or democratic. They are all about the constitution. They want people in office who are going to uphold the law and be unbiased in office. They would like to be a third party, one of their own. I love the Tea Party. Just a bunch of average Americans wanting what is accordance with the constitution to be abided by.

  3. John A says:

    They were profiled, I thought you libs were against profiling. Which is it you are or you are not?

  4. Philip McCrevice says:

    You have no idea what you’re talking about and need to do some more research.
    Alternet is not a good site for that.

  5. Ron Jeremy says:

    RON PAUL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Minister of Truth says:

    Right wing fake “populist.”
    The TP is just a creature of the extreme right, oil baron, Koch-roach bros.

  7. Keldaria says:

    The don’t claim to be affiliated with any political group however statistically tea party members are more common to identify with GOP platforms and most Tea Party candidates run under GOP tickets. At the same flip of the coin the GOP politicians are the only ones that attempt to really seek the movements approval and be favorably scored by the movement.
    So while they don’t claim to be affiliated with any particular group they are commonly viewed as the more fringe elements of the republican party.
    As for the IRS issue, both sides abuse the same status equally, the problem is that they specifically screened for these groups by the name tea party. Its not a problem to scrutinize the application of a political group the problem is that they filtered these groups based upon a name and on its surface an opposing political view to the party in power.

  8. justgeti says:

    The TEA party is made up of Fiscal Conservatives and believe it or not there are democrats that are also fiscal conservatives.
    The IRS is picking on them because the majority of conservatives are *also* fiscal conservatives.
    I want to know why a dumbass calls himself smartaleck? or smart anything for that matter.

  9. Their Constitution rules them says:

    The trouble with your question is what your using as the definition of “affiliation”.
    Webster’s definition:
    1. a : to bring or receive into close connection as a member or branch
    b : to associate as a member
    2. : to trace the origin of, or : to connect or associate oneself with.
    The Tea Party claims no affiliation of the Republican party or any other political party but their core beliefs are considered by most to be conservative. That technically is not a political organization so it is not affiliated with any political organization just a general political belief system.

  10. Heretic says:

    It’s always been libertarian. Consider tea party, a cancer on the political system!


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