Posted on 11 August 2012. Tags: 2 girls, attending college, college, concert, ex boyfriends, female friends, great friends, metalheads, one of the boys, one of the girls, one of the guys, problem, snobby, social niche, sort
Ok, so I had just started college and was having trouble finding my social niche. Eventually I found a group of (male) metalheads that I fit in with perfectly. We became great friends, but one of the boys wanted more than friendship. I insisted we remain friends. Now, not attending college with us, were 2 of their close female friends. They were very snobby and rude around me. After a concert we had attended, the 2 girls spread rumors that I had grabbed one of the guys’ crotches in the pit. Rumors started flying, and now I lost my “friends.” One of the girls’ ex boyfriends had been in the same situation (sort of) and he began talking to me, and we eventually became great friends and we are now dating. Now, the problem is, the guys of that metalhead group are toxic around him, the girls of that group are toxic to me. We see them almost every week at a friend’s band practice, and the tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife. What should I do to deal with this?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 14 May 2012. Tags: 2 girls, 7 months, adjective, faith, feelings, girlfriend, losing weight, marriage, suicide, two girls
My boyfriend and I have been dating 1.5 years and he not only says he doesn’t love me, but feels he is incapable of loving, period. He waited until we’d been dating 10months to tell me he is not attracted to me because of my weight, but will be if I lose about 30lbs (yeah, right..), and further still has very strong feelings for 2 girls he met before we did. He dated one of these two girls while he and I were dating (but NOT in a “relationship”) and he tried is damnedest to keep her a secret from me. Sometimes he says he wouldn’t mind if I found someone else, he says he doesn’t get jealous, and sometimes regrets choosing me over pursuing the two girls (he went on 2 dates with each, girl1 two years ago, girl2 last year – still has strong feelings for both) I really don’t know what to do, I’ve tried working with him and he hopes we will work out toward marriage and a family (he says he won’t be ready for another couple years – I am ready now..). If I could give him my heart to feel love with, I would, I try to show him what love looks like in my actions and through my words; but my mind tells me our relationship was doomed from the start (it took 7 months of steady dating before he would even kiss me; after he kissed me for the first time he regretted it, and we had to take a month break…after 1 month, he asked me to be his girlfriend. The next day he regretted THAT and, after dismissing suicide, wanted to break up. I talked him out of it.)
We are both Catholic, thus we are waiting for marriage to have sex. He does not look forward to the idea of sex when he DOES get married, which I find unnerving, and he has been struggling in his faith recently…he says he wants to be with me because he will never find anyone like me again and I am more “insert-positive-adjective-here” than anyone he’s ever known (except my looks..losing weight would make me attractive to him he says??). In 1.5 years he has never once driven to see me, I always drive to see him or pick him up; and while I have almost always paid for our dates/meals/admissions/etc, he plans some really romantic stuff…. I just don’t know what to think. I feel heartbroken and alone more often than not in my relationship, but I would do anything for him. I have had my share of relationships and experiences, and what I feel for him is love in spite of himself, I care more for him than I do for me, it’s very scary, and when he corrects people with “Oh, we’re not in love!” I feel like my entire body and soul want to cry. He is younger than me: I am turning 27 soon and he just turned 24. I am only his second girlfriend, his first having lasted about 2 months, and as only the 2nd girl he’s ever kissed I give him leeway because I think he’s scared of commitment but it seems so much more than that.
He lives with his parents still but want to move out once he gets a job (he just graduated summa *** laude and is having trouble with the job market). We also live 3hrs apart and I only get to see him once every 2 weeks normally. We have never once had a fight, just drama…he tells me I’m too patient, that he would have left much sooner if he were me, and but agreed with me when I said though we have 500 reasons to break up it only takes one good one to stick together…my one good reason is that I’m completely in love with him, but I don’t know his. He, by the way, said he wants to be the first to say he’s in love, so, I think he knows my feelings, but I can’t tell him
Is there any hope for us? I have been ready for marriage and kids for years and when he says something like “If I asked you to marry me right now would you say yes? :3” I feel on top of the world; but when he follows it a month later with “I’ve never REALLY thought about marrying you..” it hurts. Simple, cut to the core, pain. I don’t know what to do…
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101