Posted on 30 September 2011. Tags: action marketing, advertising networks, affiliate marketing company, affiliate networks, bad idea, e mail, Home, Marketing, risk, Safe, scams, Ssn, Want, Website, website owner
I want to work from home with CPA (Cost Per Action) marketing. Generally CPA companies aren’t “get rich quick” scams, but rather advertising networks which allow a website owner to put ads on their website and make money.
They pay every time your website’s visitor clicks on their offers and either enters an e-mail or fills out a survey.
They do require SSN, as do most other affiliate networks.
Suppose that I know what I am doing and I want to put certain ads on my blog to earn money.
Would it be safe to provide my SSN to a company like Blam Ads? How about some other affiliate marketing company?
If it is not safe, then what is the alternative? Many people work for these companies, earning thousands. However, most require SSN in the application. So how do I get hired by one of these businesses without putting myself at risk?
And if this is all a bad idea, then what do I do with my blog?
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 15 November 2010. Tags: Adsense, Affiliate, affiliate marketing company, Commission, commission junction, Google, Junction, Marketing
I’m already using Google Adsense, Commission Junction and Affiliate Window.
Any other good ones please?
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 03 September 2010. Tags: affiliate marketing company, free gifts, Google, google links, ipads, iphone, market research, Marketing, Offered, ps3, Referral, thanks for your help, Website, website www, www
I am conducting some market research to help with the content on my website –
I own an affiliate marketing company and I focus on providing hints and tips through my blog for people to receive ‘free gifts’ (such as Xbox, PS3 and iPads) through a referral based system.
Now, whenever you see adverts or google links saying ‘Free gifts’ or ‘How to get a free iPhone’, etc – do you ever click it? If so, are you skeptical?
Hopefully with the information I gather here, I can tailor my adverts and links to stop being perceived as ‘spam’.
Thanks for your help 🙂
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 11 August 2010. Tags: Affiliate, affiliate companies, affiliate marketers, affiliate marketing company, affiliated company, business, business internet users, idea, internet marketing companies, keyword, parasitic relationship, search engines, target customers, traffic rate, Website
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In the last decades every internet user has found out what the internet marketing is. However, few have heard of affiliate marketing. It is also a profitable online business, but stands in the shadow of the internet marketing.
The idea of the business is to provide services that help the internet marketing websites. There is actually a semi parasitic relationship between the two. Affiliate Marketing companies receive their money from the internet marketing companies, while these ones get their traffic rate increased by the services provided by affiliate marketers.
An internet marketing business is not successful with a low traffic rate. Such a business works with the help of the internet users that visit the website and decide they are interested in making a purchase from it. The Affiliate Marketing company plays an important role in raising this traffic rate. The number of visitors on one website depends very much on the keyword used by the website.
A keyword might either be a single word or a phrase; what matters is that the keyword describes the website and the business. Internet users from around the world enter these keywords into search engines. It then appears a list of all websites that contain the keyword. The tendency is to enter the first link. This is the reason why a website needs a good keyword, in order to have a good ranking in the search engines; the higher the better.
Internet marketing companies work together with affiliate companies in order to create such a keyword. In fact, the entire job is done by the affiliated company, but the more information the company has regarding the business the better the keyword will be. If you run an online business and decide to hire such affiliate marketing company, make sure that the employees have a clear picture of your business, the item you are selling and your target.
The target customers also play an important role in advertising. It is easier to transmit your message once you have a target. The employees or runners of an affiliate marketing business put together all these details and will provide the keyword that best suits your business.
If you have no target yet, the affiliate company can also help you choose one. Just describe your business idea and they will do the entire search you need in order to find the right formula. Such companies have access to online studies and statistics and know how to apply these to your business.
If you wonder how these companies get paid then you must know that there are several strategies. Some affiliate marketing companies get paid per click. That is, for every new click on the website of the internet marketing business they receive a sum. Other affiliate marketing companies get paid per performance. They receive the sum with the condition that the visitors they direct to the internet marketing website transform into customers. Every new customer brings money to the Affiliate Marketing company.
As you have read above, this relationship is very profitable for both sides. If you are an internet marketing beginner, don’t hesitate to use the services of an affiliate marketing company, because they are very useful
Dave has been in the affiliate and internet marketing business for over 4 years now, 3 of those years being full time from the comfort of his own home. If you want more information on succeeding in this business, you can find the company that personally taught him with Wealthy Affiliate. Also if you want another free resource, you can also check out Most Common Internet Marketing Mistakes.
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Posted in Affiliate Marketing Tips