Tag Archive | "america"

Edna Collins Pictures/footage?!?!?

OK, so I was reading this book called the scary states of america.I came across this story that really got me,and none of the others in this book have.It was about the Edna Collins Bridge In Indiana.I googled it and looked for footage of her.Nothing worth watching or reading came up.CALLING ALL COLLECTORS OF THE PARANORMAL.If you have gone to the bridge or one of your affiliates have, I’d really love some camera footage or pictures.Also, it would be great if there were some pictures of what edna looked like, and if her parents are alive and if not when did they die.Thanks everyone, I would love to know more about this story!

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How Can I Help To Change Government?

our government is screwed up. i want to be an efficient voter but i feel like voting for someone who makes sense and can really relate to the common person is a waste of time. it seems like whoever has the most attention from media automatically wins.
i want to change that.. maybe the best leader for america is a shy person, but they can make intelligent decisions. i am not affiliated with any specific party. i just want to make the country (and world for that matter) a better place for everyone.
where can i start making myself heard on this issue?

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How To Get Out Of This Contract? Please Help?

okay so heres the contract: You may cancel the contract if the services cease to be offered as stated in the contract. if by reason of death or permanent disability(with appropriate doctor’s orders), the buyer is unabled to continue the memership,buyer or buyer’s estate shall be relieved from the obligations of this contract. you may also cancel this contract should students permanatly move their residence more than 25 miles from an affiliated area(to be determined by karate america),with legitimate verification(to be determined by karate america)of the move. if you cancel this contract for any of thses reasons, the seller may keep only a portion of the contract price equal to a pro rata portion of the total price representing the portion of services you used or completed, plus the cost to the seller of any related goods which you have consumed or retained. all cancellations are subject to a cancellation fee of $150. All cancellation requests, including proof of move, must be sent in writing via certified mail. All cancellations will be based on the date in which they are received by the cancellation department. This contract or note is for future consumer services and puts all assignees on notice of the consumer’s right to cancel under chapter 2-18, florida administrative code.
Please someone help me!!!!

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Do People In America Listen To Niche?

like do people in america listen to nishe/bassline. e.g http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dK9ODPHSr…

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Why Should I Be Proud To Be American?

I am a 21 year old white guy. What is there really to be proud of in america. we came here killed thousands of people to steal the land. enslaved Indian’s and blacks to do all the work. when freedom was granted it was still bull sh** freedom. our government has the biggest history of f****ing with 3rd world country’s in the guise of humanitarian intervention but has always secretly been in the name of capitalism, to make sure we had a foreign market for our goods. If citizens want change in the country it takes years and years of peaceful protest and then the government does just enough to shut us up. Most nations in the world hate us because of what our leaders choose to do. Has anyone watched “Secrets of the CIA”? They admit all the wrong they do just to fund their operations from drug sales to arms sales. If we don’t like a leader we help some B.S. dictator take over because he will do more of what we want, then we let them run free in the country usually resulting in the death of thousands of people. If you don’t know what i’m talking about just read “A Peoples History of the United States” by Howard Zinn. or watch “Secrets of the CIA”. After watching that video and all af the absolutely illegal, inhumane, and absurd things things they did on behalf of the us government or in the name of American interests (which is again usually capitalism, that only the elite in america benefit from) I have to wonder….. If we obviously know what they have done why do we still have a CIA?
Next: I do not vote… Why? because I get B.S. options. no one really cares about me or anyone I know. It cost a heep of money to have a successful campaign, so the president elects have to make sure they keep all the rich people happy so they will fund their campaign…. does not sound like a proper democracy to me… They find ways for government officials to launder money and tax cuts for the super rich, but the only way they can balance the budget is to take from education. I am not a genius or anything, but wouldn’t it make sense to invest as much as possible into the education of the future generations??? That way when all the old guys die we are not left with a bunch of idiots who cant afford school. But o yeah we cant because we are to busy pumping billions and billions…… and billions into military. I understand we need a strong military especially how messed up the world is, but I don’t understand how they screw the really important thing… American freedom and overall happiness of the nation.
I am just saying that it seams to me there is really no reason to be proud of my country. The only people who are truly free are the rich people and the politicians. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer but the only ones who care are the poor.
Im sure someone will talk about all the freedoms we have……… well all threought my life I was made to believe that we are the only place that is free. What about all of the other western nations??? France citizens appear to have just as much freedom as me. plus their education and healthcare is free. I would love to get out of here but unfortunately I was born in the bottom class of society and will probably never be able to change that.
By the way why does it seem all americans are so pissed about immigration? I understand when people come from mexico to make money and take back with them.. But it seems to me that everyone wants to stop people from moving here when even the founding fathers were illegal immigrants themselves.
Not to seem like i’m just bashing america but I just cant find anything good in our true history. everything we have overcome from slavery and so forth is just stuff our leaders or we have done to ourselves.
Does anyone feel the same? I look up these topics online and it I cant find many similar opinions. If your opinion differs from mine please post just keep it appropriate.
thanks to all.

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Are We In The Midst Of A Global Economic Collapse Comparable To The Fall Of The Roman Empire?

I suggest that any doubters go on Youtube and search the terms: economic depression,taxes, fall of the dollar, new world order, worldwide economic collapse,national debt,outsourcing, marshall law, church and state, rise in tuition,homelessness in america,jobs in america, student loan debt, middle class,future of America, biblical prophecy, military robots, Patriot Act, civil rights, constitutional rights, NAFTA, TARP,The Greatest Depression, patent protection, service economy, credit card debt, end of oil,exponential growth, population growth, cost of education, public education,global warming effects,one world government,crime in America,secret societies, Richard Dawkins, end of religion,science religion,North American Union,world currency,end of capitalism, Michael Moore, mandelbrot economy,stock market collapse,federal reserve,careers in service economy,rise of technology,mark of beast,origin in god we trust,one world religion, United Nations, etc..ad infinitum… judge for yourself by listening to 1000’s of views points.
An infinite number of particulars rain from any given universal. People get lost in the particulars when it’s the universal that needs to be changed. It’s called brainwashing or obfuscation…enough said.

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