Posted on 01 November 2011. Tags: Answer, currency markets, currency risk, Deposit, Eurodollar, eurodollar futures, european investments, exchange rate risk, financial derivatives, futures contracts, interest rate risk, secret cia, stock market risk, Treasury, Vehicle
When you deposit US dollars in a Europeon bank, this would be called
A. a Eurodollar futures account
B. a Eurodollar bond
C. a Euro denominated investment
D. a Eurodollar account
E. a and d
Eurodollars deposits pay a higher interest compared with equivalent term US deposit accounts because
A. Europe has a different central bank that regulates rates paid
B. It costs more to send your money to Europe
C. European investments have exchange rate risk
D. The Eurodollars are futures contracts
E. Eurodollars are not regulated by the Fed and have more risk
What was a major source of growing Eurodollar deposits during the 1970s and early 1980s?
A. Petrodollars
B. Drug money
C. Secret CIA account deposits
D. US tourist spending in Europe
E. b and d
What role do Eurodollar futures play in the world of finance?
A. Provide a vehicle to speculate in currency markets
B. Provide a vehicle to hedge foreign currency risk
C. Provide a vehicle to reduce exposure to stock market risk
D. Provide a vehicle to reduce interest rate risk
E. b and d
If you are concerned about a fall in interest rates paid on Eurodollar deposits and would like to hedge that risk, you could
A. Buy Eurodollar futures
B. Sell Eurodollar futures
C. Buy Euros forward
D. Buy US dollars forward
E. a and d
If NY interest rates rise (relative to UK) by .25 percent (25 basis points) and you are long (a buyer) of Eurodollar futures, then
A. You will lose money in your futures account
B. You will gain money in your futures account
C. You will not see any change because the rate change is in NY not Eurodollar deposits
D. Money will flow to NY and Eurodollar deposit rates will decline
E. b and d
The growth of international financial derivatives in the past 25 years has made the world
A. more interconnected through financial markets and less risky
B. less interconnected through financial markets and more risky
C. more interconnected through financial markets and more risky
D. less interconnected through financial markets and less risky
International bond markets have grown along with growth of other financial products globally. What type of market is this?
A. equities
B. futures
C. debt
D. deposit
E. commodities
F. private
When Treasury bond prices rise, this would likely happen if and when
A. Inflation reports indicate lower prices
B. Financial worries increase
C. Inflation increases
D. US imports increase
E. a and b
To bet on a directional move in the CPI (Consumer Price Index), what trade would you do if you thought CPI would be trending higher?
A. Buy Treasury bonds
B. Sell Eurodollar futures
C. Sell Treasury bonds
D. Buy stocks
E. a and d
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 31 October 2011. Tags: advisory firm, Answer, business experience, Cruise, cruise lines, fellow consultants, idea, please answer, property in france, share experience, Start, time share, Travel, travel networks, travellers
I have a lot of business experience and I’m very business-orientated. I particularly love travelling and I have travelled a lot all around the world with my family. My idea is to be an affiliate with hotels, resorts, cruise lines and travel networks. My dad also owns a property in France and has time-share experience. I will then advise various families and other travellers which hotel and country will be most suitable for them and possibly hire some fellow consultants to advise them too. I will not reveal my age. Do you think this is possible and if not, why?
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 25 October 2011. Tags: amp, Answer, Dress, gianni bini, Link, love, mmc, occasion, product gb, special occasion, thanks in advance
I have a special occasion coming up and fell in love with this dress I found but really need it in black? Could you please see if you could find a similar dress to the one in this link, but in black?
Heres the link:
Also, it doesn’t have to have buttons, thanks in advance and best answer gets 10 points!!!
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 24 October 2011. Tags: affiliate company, Answer, baby, cocoa prices, foreign markets, german affiliate, giandujotti, hazelnut cream, hazelnuts, italian law, Nutella, pietro ferrero, question history, thick paste, Yar
The origins of Nutella go back, indirectly, to 1867. In that year giandujotti, the typical sweet from Turin, are born: this hazelnuts and cocoa candy, made with the objective of reducing the production costs caused by high cocoa prices, soon becomes a success. After WWII Pietro Ferrero creates Giandujot an economic surrogate of giandujotti, sold as a thick paste to be sliced and served on bread. In 1949 a more recognisable ancestor of Nutella sees the light of day: Supercrema, a spreadable version of the paste. The formula of the cream gets improved but the name remains Supercrema till 1964. In this year a serious of circumstances convince the Ferreros to re-name their product Nutella. The first reason was an Italian law of the time prohibiting superlatives in product names. Even more important was the hazelnut cream success on foreign markets. According to one story a German affiliate company proposed a name containing nuss (German for nut). Thats all I know, any more ?’s
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 22 October 2011. Tags: Advocate, Amazing, Answer, class, college, compliments, creative writing, freshman year, Mentor, nice guy, niche, Novelist, pros and cons, writer in residence, Writing
So I’ll try to keep this succinct: so creative writing is pretty much my passion/my niche in life and I took this class my freshman year of college three years ago with an AMAZING professor who resonated so well for me, he taught me so much and I definitely saw myself in him, and essentially, he just inspired me so much. So I started a novel around a year later after thinking about his class and the impact it had on me. Well the thing that impacted me the most was when he wrote on one of my essays once: “Do you write a lot? It sure seems to me like you write a lot, given your style.” he gave me many other compliments as well that just got me to think. So currently, I’m about 90 pages into this novel that I just feel it’s a story I NEED to tell would it be completely inappropriate if I emailed this old professor (he’s a published novelist as well, with lots of connections too) and ask him to be my mentor, or at the very least read what I’ve got so far in my novel and comment on it? It’s my dream and if he could be an advocate to make it happen that would be miraculous! He’s a nice guy too, but it’s still intimidating. He was once the writer in residence at a major university.
S would I make a fool out of myself to ask or no?? What are the pros and cons?? He probably doesn’t even remember who I am…
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 22 October 2011. Tags: Advocate, Amazing, Answer, class, college, compliments, creative writing, freshman year, Mentor, nice guy, niche, Novelist, pros and cons, writer in residence, Writing
So I’ll try to keep this succinct: so creative writing is pretty much my passion/my niche in life and I took this class my freshman year of college three years ago with an AMAZING professor who resonated so well for me, he taught me so much and I definitely saw myself in him, and essentially, he just inspired me so much. So I started a novel around a year later after thinking about his class and the impact it had on me. Well the thing that impacted me the most was when he wrote on one of my essays once: “Do you write a lot? It sure seems to me like you write a lot, given your style.” he gave me many other compliments as well that just got me to think. So currently, I’m about 90 pages into this novel that I just feel it’s a story I NEED to tell would it be completely inappropriate if I emailed this old professor (he’s a published novelist as well, with lots of connections too) and ask him to be my mentor, or at the very least read what I’ve got so far in my novel and comment on it? It’s my dream and if he could be an advocate to make it happen that would be miraculous! He’s a nice guy too, but it’s still intimidating. He was once the writer in residence at a major university.
S would I make a fool out of myself to ask or no?? What are the pros and cons?? He probably doesn’t even remember who I am…
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101