Posted on 12 May 2012. Tags: Album, Answer, debut, ins, liquid sword, masta, music, Shaolin, stallion, storyteller, ticallion, ticallion stallion, wu tang clan
Wu-Tang Clan
What does wu-tang stand for?
How many members in total have been in it; and who are they?
How many members are currently in it?
Who are the current members?
What was their first album, and when did it debut?
Who produces their music?
What is the current album their working on?
Who is the storyteller?
Who is the ticallion stallion?
Who is the chef?
Who has the fatherless style?
Who is the rebel INS?
Who is the rzarecta?
Who can RUN?
Who kill the masta?
Who is known to chop heads with a liquid sword?
Who has golden arms?
Who almost became a wu-tang member.
What is the shaolin referring to?
What are the Wu-Tang affiliates called?
Only a true wu-tang fan will get these. Answer in the order of questions asked.
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 11 April 2012. Tags: Answer, convergent evolution, mutation, natural selection, Niches, selection, Unrelated, unrelated species
a. convergent evolution
b. competition
c. mutation
d. co- evolution
e. natural selection
i have searched and searched for this answer and still nothing please help.((:
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 03 April 2012. Tags: Answer, Astral, astral plane, cool info, incomplete knowledge, knowledge, many things, marvel comics, Mummudrai, natural ability, permanant, permanant residents, trolls, wiki
Marvel Wiki has incomplete knowledge and I’ve been trying to figure out more. Like I learned the Mummudrai are from from the realm. So I’m wondering are their any races that are permanant residents of the Astral Plane? Are there any races with the natural ability to go there? Are there any important people there? List as many things you can think of including objects from the Astral Plane, people who live in the Astral Plane, Species from the Astral Plane, Species with the natural ability to go to the Astral Plane, Species who live on the Astral Plane. Who ever lists the most(I will use WIkia to verify all races) will get best answer. No trolls, I do report that(Trolling is against the rules here).
Also, if you know cool info about it, that would be nice, like how it looks or how people interact on it.
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 15 March 2012. Tags: ALL, Answer, bias, blogging, everything, high quality, quality content, reading, Revealed, subscribers, viral marketing, viral videos, Yahoo, yahoo answers, youtubers
TO ALL THOSE READING THIS: you are either a person who wants to get noticed or you think you have the answers to this question or you’re just passing by. The point is, with all of people claiming to know the answer to getting subscribers, viewers, etc…I have yet to run into somebody who has a formula to achieve this. I bring this to your attention because I have studied trends, viral marketing, points and highlights from all over the net. I have, after I have done everything that was suggested such as creating responses to video, blogging, posting on forums, creating high quality content, creating different channels, and much more: I have discovered there is no formula, as of yet, to achieving more views..I want people to know this because if you want to give up, then maybe you should. But if you want to make videos because that’s who you, then keep on doing what you love and there is always a shade of hope that maybe you will be discovered. From what I have seen, there are great youtubers out there who never get attention and then there are those that get attention and nobody knows really knows why. Is youtube bias towards some countries and do other countries get faster responses…we all hope, that one day, one of our videos will get discovered or that people will be attracted to what we create. If you have been making videos for the past few years and still no results, then you and I have to seriously rethink things here. We need to come up with an answer that is outside the box, something new, something different. I have spent years on these yahoo answers and the majority of people who post on these sites have never been success in large youtube attention. First of all, what is attention, 5000 views, 50,000 or 100,000. I would like to say that 50,000-100,000 views on a video that you made is amazing but others might have different standards.
I know 3 people personally who have had viral videos of more than 100,000 hits and all these people have no idea why it happened or how?
The point that I am trying to make is that you should try anything and everything because youtube is a mystery and unpredictable. So the predictable in theory won’t work, not that it won’t! If you are just starting out, do what you do and you never know what may happen.
I will fill you in a few things that are Universal..that the world hungers to see such as emotion(double rainbow), faces like Justin bieber, charm, beauty, character or personality that is different, cute, attractive, ordinary but extraordinary(the man with the golden teeth) etc
I write this because after 3 years of youtube creation, after dozens of channels, parody’, songs, skits, , some HD, other’s just SD, etc..and having one video reach 50,000, I still need to re-evaluate these things, to ask myself why I do this and if I am doing it for the right reasons. I always come back to these forums just to see if there is something new out there I haven’t done yet…
“keep the youtube dream in your pants until youtube or the world yanks it out for a *******”
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 03 March 2012. Tags: Answer, Facebook, gist, interconnection, Longevity, Networking, pop culture, retrospect, simple answer, social networking websites, status feature, twitter, Update, Website
I understand that the gist of this question has been asked before, but I am not looking for a simple answer. This is for an essay I am writing and I am very curious about what people truly think about how long Facebook will be the social network everyone is using. Social networking websites have constantly been rising and falling since the dawn of the internet, but Facebook seems to be taking on a life of it’s own. We all thought that Myspace was the be all and end all in the realm of interconnection, but then our views were shattered with the sweeping coup by Facebook. I am just looking for serious opinions on how this whole thing will pan out. Unlike other varieties of social networking, Facebook seems to be coming out with an update before it has been necessary. Facebook comes out with a new update, feature, or overall improvement faster than it’s users can comprehend. It is akin to a record holder beating his/her own previous record before anyone else has a chance to try; Facebook developers are producing new material before anyone else even has a chance to come up with the idea. It’s truly brilliant in my opinion, but in retrospect this makes me question how far this can go. The only other website that I can think of which rivals Facebook (but not actually at all) is Twitter; which basically took the “status” feature, and made it the center aspect of the website. Twitter basically fell into the niche Facebook left for it: a hub for celebrity’s updates. As of now, Facebook seems to be keeping up with technology and pop culture, but all good things must come to an end, no? And with Facebook going public this year, I am just wondering; will I be the annoying Father (or even Grandfather) trying to friend my children on Facebook, like my parents are currently doing, in 20+ years? Does Facebook have what it takes to keep up with our out-of-control/insatiable culture?
Serious responses only please.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 29 February 2012. Tags: Answer, Copies, critical investigation, glamour magazine, information, Institutions, interactive audience, interesing facts, lifestyle magazine, lt, magazine, Magazines, niche, Online
I’m doing a big essay for media studies and I think this information would look really impressive in it, but I can’t find the answer anywhere online or in the magazines, does anyone have any ideas???
Orrrr does anyone know any interesing facts/ quotes I can mention in my essay, it is a critical investigation and the whole question is ”How has the branding of lifestyle magazine institutions become more niche driven and how have they shifted their content to meet the needs of a more interactive audience?” Thaaaanks 🙂 <3
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101