English is my favorite subject; I’m really passionate about it. I work soo completely hard in it. My teacher makes us write a journal and I’m so proud of mine. I always in it and I’ve been told my work is insightful and such…blahblah. however, compared to this boy in my class, I am considered nothing by my teacher. He thinks this boy is the best thing since the invention of sliced bread. we are juniors and he has been in my english class since freshman year. He is very intelligent and definitly better at me in math and science; but not English. I know I’m boss at it. It’s the only subject I feel excited about; I feel like I’m in my niche. I’m getting really depressed that I work so hard and although I am comended, in my English teacher’s eyes, this kid is God. I don’t know what to do. It’s really bothering me. I guess its because I look up to my English teachers and now the fact that this one thinks I’m inferior to this boy is bothering me. I know in life there are going to be people better then you at things; that’s life. Yet, I know I’m a much better writer and have much better insight than this kid. This is not to be cocky; its just that english is my strength and his lie elsewhere. I’m so frustrated that I spend so much time making my journal perfect and now I feel like I’m just wasting my time. Please help!!!!! am I a psychotic; obsessed with being the best? or is it I legitimate to feeling this way?
ignore all my typos; im feeling lazy