Tag Archive | "Birthday"

My Birthday Why Be Nasty?

Its my birthday today and for some twisted reason that escapes me an individual who runs a marketing shibaz sends secret messages has picked on me for some time! sorry I meant to say gets her relative to do her dirty work! And today they are exceptionally hurtful why again are u doing all this?

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Christan’s ..why Do You Celebrate Christmas?

Why do you celebrate Christmas when it is a pagan holiday i am Christan and i don’t celebrate it.
A Roman calendar drawn up by a “Christian” in 354 A.D. (The Codex Calendar of 354) shows December 25 to be the birthday of Sol Invictus. Not only is it listed as a pagan birthday; but, it is listed as the most important pagan birthday of the whole year. It was celebrated in the Roman Circus with extra chariot races. This is the sun god that Constantine the Great worshipped while claiming to be a “Christian.” His coins state that he was “committed to Sol Invictus.” Constantines’ form of “Christianity” continues to influence Christianity today. December 25th is just one example. Satan wants to be “God.” The first four commandments tell us who “God” really is. Satan hates that and has done everything possible to abrogate those commandments. Calling December 25th the birthday of Jesus is nothing less than sticking a pagan god in the face of the “God” of the Bible – a direct violation of the first commandment.
The bottom line is that there are no reliable historical documents that would place the birth of Jesus on December 25th. On the other hand, there is overwhelming documentation that the birthday of many of the sun gods of antiquity was recognized as December 25th.
The abominable worship of Tammuz, as spoken of in the book of Ezekiel, is related to December 25th. Today visitors to Bethlehem are taken to a subterranean cave, under the “Church of the Nativity” and are told that Jesus was born there on December 25th. It was Helena, the mother of Constantine, who declared that site to be the birth place of Christ. Jesus was not born there. It is a pagan sun worship cave in honor of Tammuz. The “church” historian Jerome, who wrote the Latin “Vulgate” tells us that Tammuz was worshipped there. He ought to know. His school was right next door. In fact, the back door of his school leads into the temple of Tammuz. In spite of all these facts, thousands of unknowing Christians bow down and kiss the spot in the niche where the idol of Tammuz was placed. Although theologians know, they will not tell people the truth. They will be held accountable. look up christmas history and then tell me are you still going to celebrate it?

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Maybe My Dad Isn’t An @s That I Had Thought?

I always thought he was just the type that liked to pick on people, iv had a bad view of him when I was growing up. it seemed like he was just trying to find ways to get at me and my brother. As I’m older now I realize that he is actually very reasonable and only wants us to work hard so that we could be successful. When it was my birthday I asked my mom if I could get an iPod touch and she got mad and said no and kept saying it. I thought this year I was going to get nothing, but a day ago I saw this iPod touch on the niche and saw the name of who ordered it. My dad. I never thought he truly cared about us. Thanks for reading I just thought I had to share this!

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Maybe My Dad Isn’t An @s That I Had Thought?

I always thought he was just the type that liked to pick on people, iv had a bad view of him when I was growing up. it seemed like he was just trying to find ways to get at me and my brother. As I’m older now I realize that he is actually very reasonable and only wants us to work hard so that we could be successful. When it was my birthday I asked my mom if I could get an iPod touch and she got mad and said no and kept saying it. I thought this year I was going to get nothing, but a day ago I saw this iPod touch on the niche and saw the name of who ordered it. My dad. I never thought he truly cared about us. Thanks for reading I just thought I had to share this!

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Posting Pictures In Facebook Etiquette’s With Others/friends Involved?

I would like to think that I’m a very conscious person upon organizing my social networking sites. My profile is set on private, I kindly refuse any of my office mates access to my Facebook for personal reasons and to avoid unnecessary drama. I keep my temper in check when I post on a bad day and become very cryptic or just general when posing a rant.
I do however own a vast collection of photo’s over the years, I lived alone for a while and had a hard time making friends as a teen so when I finally found my niche of friends who 15 years later are still my closest buddies I made sure to document all our good memories in film and photography.
Back in the 90’s we had horrible hair and did not wear much makeup. Our fashion was either something we dare not show the world or wore according to the latest fad. Such were the contents of my album which I started digitally scanning.
I posted a few on Facebook which most of my high school and college friends appreciated because these where “lost” memories of them. And even though the fashion or hairstyle was horrible they were not scandalous or “career” damaging in any way. beside most of the pictures were us when we were 14-16 years old, mostly shots in our bedroom, mall or a proper birthday party.
I told my friend I had those pictures and was posting them in facebook, an album of MY OWN birthday. There was no alcohol, no flashing of any kind. Just silly pictures of us with really bad haircuts. In fact the picture was of me and the rest of us as i was blowing my candles.
She went off on me immediately telling me I disrespected her by posting the pictures. At first i chided with her and quickly retracted it knowing she was quick to temper.
But she came down on me hard by telling me I was a person she did not trust and mess everything up for her. She informed that even though I own those picture I had NO RIGHT to post them without her consent. Even though she and our common friend have uploaded in the past picures of us together and had us tagged.
She did not speak to me until I apologized and said that it would never happen again.
I do feel though that she had no right to tell me what pictures of my own albums I can or cannot post. The pictures also included some of our few common friends who are ok with the content and are asking me for digital copies. However I refused to give it to them on account of my upset friends.
What are the proper etiquette when posing a shared image of myself and other people?
Thank you

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Folks, Would You Think This Guy Is Cool And Different?

1. Real, down to earth
2. He laughs at himself
3. He’s not a snitch; he can keep secrets
4. He likes to draw in sketchbook
5. Shoots pool
6. Goes to flea market, museums on weekends
7. Sometimes go to birthday parties, celebrations
8. Doesnt go to clubs
9. He likes r&b, soul, jazz. He loves 70s soul music
10. He doesnt sag or dress like a thug
11. Every once in a while, he’d go over buddies house to watch the game
12. He plays music around the house (example: EWF’s albums “Spirit” and “All n All”)
13. Starts conversations
14. Talks 70s slang “Right on”
15. Doesnt mention his age unless somebody ask
16. He goes on dates, talk to women but he keeps his love life low key
17. He likes boxing and horseracing
18. He loves reese peanut butter cups
19, Wears headphones (music lover)

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