Tag Archive | "blog"

What Are Some Beauty Companies That Offer Affiliate Programs?

I’m creating a blog highlighting beauty secrets and would like to use affiliate marketing to make some money from it. Does anyone know of any popular beauty sites that offer a high affiliate payout? Thanks!

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What Makes An Autoblog?

Ok well I got autoblogsystem x and decided to start my own autoblog site so I got a site with hostgator (baby plan for now) and I already have a few blogs posted but im confused on a few things.
1.-How does it make money? I know it has something to do with affiliate links but im still confused and where would you put the affiliate links. Please explain where the money from an autoblog comes from.
2.- What makes an autoblog? Sites tell you to make good money with autoblogs to have a lot and theres people with over 200 autoblogs and stuff. Is an autoblog 1 site and 1 domain or is it each one of my blog posts. Please explain im confused in that area too.
Thankyou very much.

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How Many Visitors Would I Need Per Month To Make $1k On A Diet Blog/website?

is that even a good niche anymore?

Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)

Affiliate Marketing – Turning a Casual Reader on Your Blog Into a Fan

CloseMLA Style Citation:
Stewart, Bruce”.”.7 Aug. 2010EzineArticles.com.10 Aug. 2010

Posted in Affiliate Marketing TipsComments (0)

Affiliate Marketing – Turning a Casual Reader on Your Blog Into a Fan (Part 2)

CloseMLA Style Citation:
Stewart, Bruce”.”.7 Aug. 2010EzineArticles.com.10 Aug. 2010

Posted in Affiliate Marketing TipsComments (0)

Changes To Affhelper.com

It makes me want to laugh when I look at the old index page right now. It looked like some affiliate link farm LOL

So far the migration of the blog is going smooth. I still need to clean up the server though. There is sooo much garbage on here that accumulated over the years. You wouldn’t believe what is on here that has not been indexed in Google

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