Tag Archive | "broadcast network"

What Would Happen If A Broadcast Network Would Run The Entire Day’s Schedule?

Moments ago, I have thought that I would run a broadcast network studio that would run the whole schedule throughout each day and every week, but on last Sunday, I have borrowed a book called “This Business of Television”, I read that “TV networks do not, however, control the entire day’s schedule, instead, they typically run half the day, the rest is programmed by affiliates with local news and syndicated programming”. Then I have thought of something else, I was wondering what would happen if a broadcast network would run the entire day’s schedule?

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Why Do Liberals Continue To Lie About Fox News?

Liberals continue the farce that Fox news lies- even after Obama said last night that he respects Fox News.
Liberals try to associate Fox News with a singular Fox BROADCAST Network affiliate in Florida that was sued by a couple of disgruntled employees.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jane_Akre
Yet, the citizens of Liberal Koolaidia still spread the li that Fox News went to court for the right to lie. I suggest you report anyone who continues to spread this nonsense.

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