I am being taken to court by a local loan company. The lawsuit is for fraud of $330, a $300 loan and $30 processing fee.
The story:
I did go in person and apply for a cash advance and gave my needed information. I did not accept the offer given to me but I did sign a form stating that cash advance store could use my information and contact me with future offers. I said Yes.
5 days later I am charged a $30 fee titled Pacific advance, this was a chased check with my signature. The information for that check stated I had already gave consent and not signature needed. This caused me to go over draft and changed another fee.
Next I called my bank and had them file a despuit o n the check. Apoun doing g so I was refunded for the overdraft fee and the $30 withdrawal has put on hold.
Now 8 days after applying for the loan I was contacted by a law firm in vensse stating a suit was filed on me for fraud.
What the law firm told me:
tho original bank is attempted to do a withdrawal of $30 via check foe the processing of a $300 cash advance . And are charging me with fraud and failure to pay. He then asked if it was true that I applied and received funds of said amount.
I said Yes I did apply and no I didn’t not recive any funds. I also idleness that I did have a $30 fee withdrawal and it was by check by a different company. He then stated that the name was of an affiliate of the loaner.
What I have.
I had my bank forward copies of all transaction s since the account opend and deposit slips to the loan er’s lawer and mine. This showed that no deposit off $300 was ever made.
My lawyer then contacted the loaners lawyer and stated that the charges should be drop since the evidence shows that no loan was given and their client simply pay back the $30 fee. The other lawyer said the y would get back with us.
Now they still want to fallow through and are now wanting $1000 and are taking g my bank to court for $4000 , my bank is pnc.