Tag Archive | "chemistry education"

English Majors Help. Objective Statement For Applying To Grad School?

After recording a YouTube math lesson for a friend without any thought to it, the video quickly exploded with over 3,000 views and eventually steered me towards the education field. From the video I received a lot of interactions and feedback from people all over the world. I would have never known how much need there was for an explanation on limits with the greatest integer. Messages after messages, before I even realized, I found myself passionate about teaching.
During my undergraduate years at ——- University I took various classes from chemistry, education, to mathematics while being undecided on my major. This turned out to be a positive situation after deciding on what grade level to teach. I realized that an elementary teacher can teach a wide array of subjects. The idea of teaching in a classroom setting reminds me of the YouTube experience where I would get many interactions and make use of being technologically savvy by integrating technology for students to make the class more exciting and involved.
Furthermore, as I took the profession of teaching seriously I took classes to enrich skills that would be useful for a teacher such as Web Designing in spring 2012. For the final project I created a template website suited for a class available at: http://———. Another class is Methods and Issues in Teaching Mathematics in the summer of 2011 with Professor ———. As a freshman I recalled taking another one of Professor ———-’s class and witnessed her incredible ability to use differentiated instructions to teach. I was eager to find her different approaches teaching math and learned a great deal and even developed my own niche. Overall, I was determined and was dedicated towards to becoming a good teacher by making the best of my undergraduate years.
Ultimately, I felt the Master’s Program at —— can complement and improve upon what I have learned prior as an undergraduate. But also to extend upon what I have gained from YouTube. As an aspiring teacher I hope the program allow me the opportunity to take the next step to fulfill my career goals of getting me certified as an elementary teacher and become an asset to society.
Please point out recommendations and suggestions? Also if you found any grammar mistakes? I tried to be unique and catch their attention but I don’t really know how. I thougth the Youtube was my best honest unique situation.

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Should I Finish Up My Phd In Chemistry Or Get A Second Masters In Education?

Where I am now. I have currently achieved my masters in chemistry while working towards my phd the last two and a half years. I have finished the synopsis and proposal (half-way examinations for the phd degree) and I will have about another two to two and a half years until I earn a phd.
I have been looking ahead in terms of what I want out of life and my career. I desire job security just as much as everyone else. I believe that the job security I long for is just a pipe dream for researchers in general. Relatively few tenure track positions are available in science and from what I hear it is not a rare occurrence to have over 250 applications for a single job in what is supposedly a niche field. This job competition will exist regardless of the situation of the global economy and to a great degree has made research unattractive(quantity over quality is rewarded.) I have enjoyed teaching while being a teaching assistant(running general chemistry labs and Q&A sessions with undergraduate students) and I have a “gift” for presenting information.
My coworkers urge me to continue in research and tell me I would make a great researcher(this being their gut response) in my field or any field I choose to migrate towards after my phd. The qualities mentioned by my coworkers were:
Problem solver
Care/dedication for the science and project at hand (quality research not quantity)
Willingness/eagerness to learn
Effective or “gifted” communicator
The questions that I really want answered are:
Which is the more viable career move? phd in chemistry or dual masters chemistry/education
Would I be able to teach multiple subjects(beyond chemistry) with only minors in the fields?
If I had the phd would I be overqualified for teaching positions at a high school level?
Could I get a job in management with my chemistry phd? Other non-conventional careers?
As an undergraduate I had my B.S. in chemistry with minors in physics and mathematics.
A masters in education is another two to two and a half year long program unless courses are carried over from my chemistry masters.
Current age is 25 as of Feb. 2013
Currently I am being paid to continue my phd research versus a masters in education would require me to pay to stay in the program.
Currently have a number of publications.
~Sad Chemist

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