Posted on 02 April 2013. Tags: 11th, 12th, Admissions, After, CBSE, class, Completing, From
I have completed class 11th from a cbse affiliated school in New Delhi. I want to get admissions in class 12th science stream in any cbse affiliated school preferably in South Delhi. I HAVE THE PASSING CERTIFICATE of class 11th. Please advice as to which school should i try or which school would be willing to give me admission. Willing to pay donations upto Rs.75000/-. Schools like KPS or Daisy dales would work too.
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 19 March 2013. Tags: Broadcasting, class, couple, Help, Need, Questions!, With
any answers will help, thank you
1. when digital television comes into widespread use capital outlay will be greatest for:
a. cable networks
b.industry program suppliers
c. broadcast television staions
d. consumers
e. broadcast networks
2.which of the following most closely describes the traditional fee structure when an affiliate station airs programs from one of the Big three networks?
a. the station pays a fee to the network
b. the station pays a fee directly the networks program producers
c. the network pays a fee to O&O stations only
d. no payments are made but both the network and the stations retain revenue from the sale of commercial time
e. the network pays a fee to every station
3. all of the following use domsats for program distribution to cable systems except:
a. mtv
b.local origination programing
c. superstations
d. pay cable
e. c-span
4. AM’s 10-kHz spacing means that channels extend 5 kHz above and below their carrier frequencies
a. true
b. false
5. Which type of wave is not part of the electromagnetic spectrum?
a. sound
b. cosmic
c. light
d. x-rays
e. radio
6. The wholly new television transmission that will eventually replace the current US system is commonly called:
b. DTV
d. DAB
e. DAT
7. _______ scanning is used in creating a television picyure
a. Pixel
b. Auxiliary
c. Interlace
d. field
e. Multiplex
I cannot find the answers to these questions so any help would be very much appreciated thnak you
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 02 January 2013. Tags: blue grey eyes, class, co dublin, dark brown hair, exuse, Father, Home, irish town, isn, long blonde hair, o hara, plaid shirts, playing volleyball, skin, skinny jeans
It’s set in a conservative, small Irish town in modern times.
Rosie Hammel, 17 years old. Relatively tall and thin. Pale skin with wavy dark brown hair. Light blue/grey eyes. Very pretty. Wears ‘quirky’ glasses. Often wears plaid shirts, skinny jeans and converse. Introverted, tries to fit in but just can’t. Intelligent. Accidentally outed her former best and only friend Jacqueline to their entire all-girls Catholic school on their first day back. Will she now face being alone now that her only friend isn’t talking to her? Has a 22 year old sister in college in Limerick. Her parents, Bob and Patricia Hammel and herself all live together in a small bungalow. Bob is a postman and Patricia takes care of the elderly and invalids. Middle-class. Both Bob and Patricia are easy-going and would let Rosie do almost anything she wants, mainly because Rosie is always stuck at home and they feel a bit sorry for her.
Jacqueline O’ Hara (A.K.A. Jack), 17 years old. Tall and in good shape from playing volleyball. Long blonde hair, tanned. Big green eyes and full lips. Often wearing designer clothing. Very well-dressed. High-femme. Loves wearing blazers and teaming bright coloured skirts with socks and heels. Moved from Dublin when she was 13 years old. Desired by many boys around the town but Jack always has an exuse to turn them down. Popular, but since being found out as gay, her friendships have shaken. Very laid-back, chilled personality. Outgoing. A bit of a badass. Only child. Her parents are Peter and Vanessa O’ Hara. Originating from Ballsbridge, Co. Dublin, she is a D4 girl. Her dad sees a niche in the market for a big shopping centre in the town and decides to start construction as soon as possible and they move. High-upper class. Her father is a multi-millionaire business man and his wife isn’t required to work for a living. They live in a big mansion on the outskirts of the town. Her father is always working so they don’t have that close of a relationship and she also isn’t close with her mother. They don’t relate. She sees her mother as very superficial and shallow whereas Jack doesn’t like how she has everything at her feet. She faces no real adversity.
Tómas Scully, 16 years old. Average height, average body type. A bit on the pale side. Deep blue eyes, thinnish lips and a strong jaw-line. Skinned head. Opts to wear tracksuits on a daily basis. Foster adopted by Séamus and Marie O’ Hara (Jack’s parents). Has a thick skin from the rough years in foster care and has become apart of a gang. He finally feels accepted and belonging to something with people of similar backgrounds. But deep down he knows what they are doing is wrong. When Tómas was eight, he was out playing football with his twin sister. The ball went out onto the road and he told her to go and get it, but then she was hit by a car and killed. Was put into foster care when he was just 11 years old because of neglect at home. Was in and out of homes but was never taken in because his ‘rebellious’ nature was too much for certain households. When he was 15 years old he was fostered by the O’Hara’s and finally adopted at 16 years old. Came from a lower-class background but now can live life comfortably with the O’Hara’s.
Rodrigo Sanchez, 17 years old. Kind of small and slim. Black curly hair with blue highlights at the tips. Tanned with brown eyes and thick eyebrows. Very pretty. Loves to wear coloured skinny jeans with vans. Usually combined with unusual jumpers or colourful shirts. An eccentric bisexual who is a foreign exchange student from Spain. When Rodrigo is caught with a man, his deeply religious host parents try to get the ‘deviant’ out of him. Sick of being mistreated, Rodrigo runs away with no money and will do anything to survive. He finds a ‘sugar daddy’ but then he falls in love with a girl called Adia. Two older brothers and one older sister. Oldest brother is in prison but his other brother is a successful model. His sister is settled down with a family and husband. Lower-middle class. Wanted to get out of Las Ramblas, Barcelona and experience the rest of the world, he payed for his foreign exchange out of the money his father left for him and was sent to Ireland. His father, Juan, was unemployed, and abandoned his family for a life with another woman when Rodrigo was 14 years old. His mother, Alva, works in a shop.
Adia Achebe, 16 years old. A little shorter than average. Curvy. Rocks an afro. Dark eyes, almost strikingly black. Very delicate facial features. Loves prints and she is often seen wearing colourful patterned leggings teamed with a nice short jacket and wedges. Known around the town as ‘easy’, Adia wants nothing serious as she fears it will distract her from her studies. (Also a fear of her strict Nigerian father). But when she decides to get a taxi home from a night out and things go terribly wrong, it is unlikely she will ever be able to trust someone again.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 18 December 2012. Tags: antisocial behaviour, Anxiety, avoidant personality, class, computer science degree, eastern cultures, groups work, how to get a girlfriend, Marijuana, personal view, pineal gland, queen sized bed, room queen, Science, university
I’m 18 years old and studying for my Computer Science degree at a great university. I’m living on my own now in residence on campus. I have a single room, queen sized bed, beer fridge, shower, flat screen, my computers, and two big windows. It’s really chill and it’s nice because I get to wake up excited to go to class since I am studying my passion.
Due to my childhood I developed antisocial behaviour and these patterns have stuck with me my whole life. Originally due to early childhood I have a lot of anxiety and it was much more an avoidant personality. I felt I didn’t have any worth. I was ugly, etc. I was bullied to and even gang beat until I cried. In school I didn’t do well, but I still graduated elementary and went to high school. In high school the bullying minimized but I was still a loser. Not just my own personal view but also in terms of how the social groups work in a high school. It’s actually pretty stupid to be honest.
I went through just passing all my course until the summer before the start of grade 11. This summer I was exposed to marijuana. Of course due to my nature I was taught it was bad. But I still tried it and realized it isn’t actually that bad. More importantly however it allowed me to break my anxiety. There has been some science to show that enhances and restores your pineal gland and if you have done research into this it is also known as the third eye to many eastern cultures. What happened was it gave me a different perception of everything. Firstly I got above 90% in all eight of my classes that year. I was always highly intelligent so I used my knowledge to raise my social level in high school, but kind of in a bad way. I became the sketchy guy that has power and everyone is afraid to **** with and so respects by default.
It was quite easy to do this. First since I smoked marijuana, and marijuana happens to be illegal where I live so that means no stores would sell it. I had to capitalize on this and so I simply took advantage of a government created black market niche, and began selling marijuana in my high school. This automatically put me very high in the social class. My family never had a lot of money so I started out with just $100 dollars selling half ounces and then I was able to buy an ounce. Eventually I had $600 dollars that I was using to buy quarter pounds which is four ounces. I was actually selling and loaning ounces (28 grams) to the marijuana dealers at my high school. I was very proud of myself.
So due to this I obviously developed a very high self esteem because I had achievements I could be proud of. Getting 90% in all my classes was amazing because this is what allowed for my get early acceptances to all the universities I later applied to in grade 12. I was too young to get a normal job and had too much self worth to work at MacDonald’s. Having this new flow of income was nice. Naturally I then developed many friends. I was able to go to the parties which are awesome. I had girls texting me but I really had to idea how to talk to a girl. I really screwed myself in this aspect of my life.
Now I later became friends with most girls from my high school and from the younger grade too. I have six female friends that I can text and ask to hangout. Go to Tim Horton’s, see a movie, smoke marijuana, go to parties, etc. Of course since this year I moved away from my city to a new city where my university is located. I stopped selling marijuana because unlike high school; university isn’t a joke and I wouldn’t want to get in trouble because it could affect my degree.
So now I am just lonely. I go to my classes everyday but they are simply lectures. In some classes I am able to socialize but it is only minimal because it is an academic class and not a play group like high school. Right now all I want is a girlfriend but I don’t know how to get one. Growing up the thought never even occurred that someone like myself would be able to get a girl.
I ski and kayak a lot by myself because I love nature so my body is in good shape. I also notice lots of girls looking at me as I walk in my classes. I have great confidence now but I still don’t know how to talk to random girls. Talking to my female friends are easy because we know each other. But random girls I wouldn’t really know. I also don’t really understand the concept of the “date” and asking someone “out”.
I just want a girl to actually want me. I never received the affection of a female before so I imagine I would like it. Even to cuddle and watch a NetFlix would be amazing. But I want the one thing I can’t get 
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 05 December 2012. Tags: class, consumer, consumer durable products, fdi, hongkong, india china, industrialized countries, jeers, marshall plan, material research, miniaturization, mouths, post, selling, use
Like USA uplifted the Europe by Marshall Plan post -WWII, it also hugely provided Japan with free capital. Of course , Japanese made proper use of that money adopting consumer based capitalism and selling to the world top class products. They toiled hard .
The technological secret is japan never invented anything worth mentioning in electronics and automobiles….they only borrowed designs ( for which the west often jeers at them) – but their concentration was on materials and they brought out fantastic materials for miniaturization and reliability . The world owes this to them. They used the material research for themselves and came to the top in consumer durable products. Of course, then SK, taiwan , hongkong etc. followed.
China and India has billions of mouths to feed. They cannot become industrialized countries , ie 50% labor must work on farms. India struggles for FDI and China struggles for western market.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 27 November 2012. Tags: adults, class, college, flea theater, Great, new york city, playwriting class, Recommend, theater group, weekend workshop, workshop
I would like to find a place that offers classes to adults in the evening, and is affiliated with a theater or a theater group — so not a college. I took a weekend workshop at ESPA a few months ago which was good. Has anyone taken a class at the Flea Theater, or have other suggestions?
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