Posted on 10 April 2011. Tags: animals, class, Constraints, development, Environmental, Humans, Niches, personalities, personality, psychology class, social niche, specialization
I am doing an assignment for my psychology class.
It is about the development of the personality due to social niches.
In simplified terms, when an animal asserts a certain role, others will look for a different role they are good at which leads to the development of a variety of personalities.
Animals occupy the same niche, they automatically fill different roles to avoid competition and be recognized. This is what is behind social niche personality specialization.
Do you think animals or humans have more environmental constraints?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 07 April 2011. Tags: Academic, academic session, admission, Affiliated, CBSE, class, scholl, Want
my son has cleared 11th from CBSE affiliated school in academic session 2010-11 as dummy student, now we want to take admission in 12th class in another scholl at same city as regular student.
what is the procedure for admission,
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 24 March 2011. Tags: allen ginsberg, child psychology, class, comprehensions, cutthroat world, french text, front, funny ways, intellectualism, kennedy clan, random outbursts, tone, ups and downs, way, Weird
In a few days time I shall be standing in front of class to give a talk on meanders. A perfectly harmless but rather uninspiring piece of fluvial bubblegum. In the cutthroat world of classroom politics how can I make a lasting impression and stand out from the crowd?
While I don’t give a damn about what grade I get, out of respect for my teacher I shall adhere to the factual requirements imposed upon me. Nonetheless that shan’t prevent me from delivering my talk in a wildly inappropriate and downright weird tone.
This is something of a niche for me, having made a name for myself with frankly ludicrous acts of rebellious intellectualism in French comprehensions(a soul stirring rendition of Allen Ginsberg’s Howl, a melodramatic dissection of the ups and downs of the cursed Kennedy clan and pompous lectures on child psychology).
I understand that my aforementioned “antics” may be hard to grasp and I would like to clarify that while ridiculous and largely irrelevant they are not random outbursts. I have merely taken it upon myself to interpret the French text, which varies greatly, in a unique way. Our answers to this part of the comprehension are in English not in French by the way.
Alas on this occasion I am struggling to think of something inventive. Any strange but linkable topics would be appreciated(remember my talk is on meanders). Likewise any suggestions on how exactly to perform it would be kindly received. I thought about doing it in a sickeningly enthusiastic tone but fear that would be more annoying than anything else, not to mention rude.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 16 March 2011. Tags: anything, class, Homework, niche, Otters, river otters, science class
I have homework for my science class but I can’t seem to find anything on the internet about a river otters niche. Can you help?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 26 February 2011. Tags: academic circles, class, grad, grad schools, graduate school, inconsistency, majors, niche, sophomore, undergrad
So I recently changed my major, as a sophomore undergrad. They’re both in related fields, and my interests remain the same. Will grad schools count on that as an inconsistency on my part, and will that count against me?
It would be pretty easy for grad schools to tell I changed majors, since I took one niche class required for my old major. Also, I go to a pretty well-known (in academic circles) schools, so the classes in specific majors are well known too.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 30 January 2011. Tags: arthropoda, chordata, circulatory, circulatory system, class, class amphibia, class arachnida, class calcarea, class cephalopoda, class stelleroidea, division euglenophyta, information, phylum, Someone, Topics
I don’t want anyone to do it for me, I just want to know which three are the easiest to find information about. Thank you! =)
Pick any three of the seven choices and compare and contrast the nervous system, circulatory system and locomotion of these groups as it relates to the environment they are found in. Be sure to discuss what structures are characteristic of the phylum or class and how these structures suit the environment they are found in. Discuss the nervous system beyond the realm of its complexity- discuss the structures associated with how each organism senses its environment and is able to respond to it. Discuss the circulatory system found in each phylum or class, and what structures, behaviors, and/or adaptations are involved in their regulating oxygen, waste removal, osmoregulation, etc. Also discuss the type of locomotion in each group and how it suits the niche of the organism. Be sure to include what kingdom each phylum you choose belongs to. Use species-specific examples if you like.
Pick any three of the following:
Phylum Ciliophora
Division Euglenophyta
Phylum Porifera, Class Calcarea
Phylum Mollusca, Class Cephalopoda
Phylum Arthropoda, Subphylum Chelicerata, Class Arachnida
Phylum Echinodermata, Class Stelleroidea
Phylum Chordata, Subphylum Vertebrata, Class Amphibia
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101