Posted on 11 December 2012. Tags: affiliate program, affiliate store, amazon affiliate, amazon store, business, business site, business website, Count, earnings, gift, gift vouchers, own business, private income, Profit, site
I’m planning on creating my own business website, but within that site I want an Amazon Affiliate store. If I’m making money from my site from other things and running it as a business what happens with any money I get from the Amazon affiliate program?
Does the money from that count as earnings (and profit) for the business or is it a separate private income? If the money earnt from that is in Amazon gift vouchers rather than actual cash does this change things?
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 21 July 2012. Tags: affiliate marketing, application question, Australia., Count, form, information, Marketing, Website
I am looking to apply for an ABN because it is necessary to have one to receive payments from various affiliate marketing websites.
I am not sure what to put this business under. It asks if I have an enterprise established in Australia.
What is the deal? Does a website count as an enterprise?
There are supposed penalties to giving incorrect information in this form so I want to get it right. At the same time this is made as confusing as possible so it isn’t really fair that penalties apply.
Posted in Featured Articles