Tag Archive | "disability"

Is Disability The Other Welfare Program For The Unemployable?

“”That’s a kind of ugly secret of the American labor market,” David Autor, an economist at MIT, told me. “Part of the reason our unemployment rates have been low, until recently, is that a lot of people who would have trouble finding jobs are on a different program.”
Part of the rise in the number of people on disability is simply driven by the fact that the workforce is getting older, and older people tend to have more health problems.
But disability has also become a de facto welfare program for people without a lot of education or job skills. But it wasn’t supposed to serve this purpose; it’s not a retraining program designed to get people back onto their feet. Once people go onto disability, they almost never go back to work. Fewer than 1 percent of those who were on the federal program for disabled workers at the beginning of 2011 have returned to the workforce since then, one economist told me.
People who leave the workforce and go on disability qualify for Medicare, the government health care program that also covers the elderly. They also get disability payments from the government of about $13,000 a year. This isn’t great. But if your alternative is a minimum wage job that will pay you at most $15,000 a year, and probably does not include health insurance, disability may be a better option.”http://apps.npr.org/unfit-for-work/

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How To Get Out Of This Contract? Please Help?

okay so heres the contract: You may cancel the contract if the services cease to be offered as stated in the contract. if by reason of death or permanent disability(with appropriate doctor’s orders), the buyer is unabled to continue the memership,buyer or buyer’s estate shall be relieved from the obligations of this contract. you may also cancel this contract should students permanatly move their residence more than 25 miles from an affiliated area(to be determined by karate america),with legitimate verification(to be determined by karate america)of the move. if you cancel this contract for any of thses reasons, the seller may keep only a portion of the contract price equal to a pro rata portion of the total price representing the portion of services you used or completed, plus the cost to the seller of any related goods which you have consumed or retained. all cancellations are subject to a cancellation fee of $150. All cancellation requests, including proof of move, must be sent in writing via certified mail. All cancellations will be based on the date in which they are received by the cancellation department. This contract or note is for future consumer services and puts all assignees on notice of the consumer’s right to cancel under chapter 2-18, florida administrative code.
Please someone help me!!!!

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I don’t know if I even used the correct terms.. Well anyway I have searched and searched and couldn’t find a place to ask this or get information on the subject so I decided to use yahoo. Well I am a 21 year old male and for health reasons can’t work and for some reason also have not been able to get disability of any kind.
The point of the question is that I want to take a shot at having a website(no particular theme/specialty) and use google adsence and affiliate programs(i think thats what its called) to get at least a little income.When you sell someone else’s products on your site and get 10% commission. I don’t see what could go horribly wrong since I don’t think it would cost much to give it a shot. But I have no clue where to start. I have no skills so I was thinking I would pay someone to make the site and then go from there.

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I Need To Create A Database For My Non-profit Organization Using Ms Access, Can Someone Help Me Out?

I am new to MS Access and I was told by many that Access would be the program to use for keeping a strong database. I want to create a database where I can enter in each client and there personal information (ex: name, address, phone number, etc), and also create a file that is affiliated with each client that stores the questions & answers to the survey they each received after using our services.
Is something like this possible with MS Access?
Each client will have there own account number that can be accessed at anytime using that specific account number. The survey that each client receives has about 15 questions with 5 options to choose for an answer (ex: Strongly agree, Strongly disagree, etc). I want to be able to create this Survey file so when I receive the survey from my clients I can enter in there answers and save it according to each clients account number. The survey will be the same for all clients, but the answers will be different of course, so I want to create the survey file so all I have to do is go into the file, enter in the answers the client chose and save it according to the clients account number.
Is all this possible with MS Access or should I be using some other program?
Please help out as much as you can, I have limited time and limited resources, If I need to invest in MS Access I need to put in the request ASAP for the funding. This database will be very helpful when helping out families with children who have a disability.
I look forward to your help and advice, Thanks.

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