Tag Archive | "distractions"

What Has Gone Wrong With Our Generation?

I couldn’t answer this on the original thread because of the 300 word limit so I restarted this thread so I could answer it.
The problem is energy.
People do not connect to the real world anymore. We spend too much time with all our dramas, devices, distractions, hatreds, and aloofness. Our energy is depleted from these things that is why we (at least some of us) are having such a hard time in our lives and our world is falling apart. The real world passes most people by while they are actually not a part of it at all. No really it is true. If you stare at your phone while walking down the street you are already gone. The world is passing you by. And also while your kids are trying to engage your attention you shoo them away so you can watch tv (especially when you have already seen the show before) you are pushing the cycle of destruction onto the next generation which in turn they will follow onto the next one and so on and so forth.
There are many things that if done at the right time can fulfill your life path, but then many other things at the wrong time can just drain you.
It is hard to find your niche and log in so to speak with the life you are destined to lead but choices to waste your life on petty things will ultimately waste others’ lives too.

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Would You Be Willing To Pay More For A Kindle Or An E-ink Tablet That Included Html5 And Ccs3 Support?

I think the ipad reaches a certain niche (apple fanboys). For individuals that actually possess a penchant for reading, they like e-ink tablets. All the multimedia distractions such as music, game and apps aren’t necessary. There is also that large niche that loves to read news articles and publications online. It would be nice if the kindle had a better web browser that was fast and efficient so reading the NY Times, WSJ, etc. would be more copacetic. I wouldn’t mind a sacrifice in battery life for better performance as long as there are no distractions.

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