Tag Archive | "douche"

K I Really Need To Get This ***** Right Now.?

So I meet this girl and go on a date with her, she Is like the girl i’ve liked most of all, but I actually seemed kind of like a douche, and she is like fed up with me being a douche but thats my niche so I cant really change that, I mean I really cant because I’m great at being a douche but I’m boring when I’m nice… anyway she is now dating other guys even tho I desperately tried to get a date out of her, so IDK what to do now, I CAN be nice but actually im pretty sure that wouldnt help either, it looks boring and desperate…..

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Is It Odd That I Believe That We Have Cures For All Major Diseases But The Government Keeps Them Secret?

Now, I’m not completely firm with this, but I’m starting to think that cures for AIDS and Cancer and other diseases exist, but that they’re only saved for really important people.
Think about it. The last major disease someone important had was FDR with Polio, and they cured that. But when was the last time an important politician or some famous celebrity had such a disease?
Is it because of money? Is it the fact that marketing pills that will “treat” the disease insted of eradicating it will make more money?
To quote Chris Rock, “It’s like Cadillac making a car that can last 50 years. You know they can do it. But they won’t! You mean to tell me we can make metal strong enough to fly into space and keep intact when re-entering the Earth’s atmosphere, but I can’t have a Camero where the f**kin’ bumper don’t fall off?!”
So, any answers would be appeciated. And please don’t call me an ignorant douche. I’m not making fun of people with aids or cancer, I’m merely pointing out something I’m still currently deciding on.

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