Tag Archive | "Dow"

How To Get Started Investing?

I am 14 years old. Me and a friend are very interested in stocks. We want to spend some years researching the ins and outs of investing, and then start investing maybe when we are 15 in a few months or 16. I realize that our legal guardians are supposed to open a custodian account for us. Where would I go to open this? Also, could someone just explain some simple things to me very very briefly, like NASDAQ and DOW? Im reading a bunch of books, and I would just like to increase my vocab. Thanks!

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S&p Index And Dow Why Is The Money Less?

Why yesterday on july 17-12 when DOW was 0.62 and S&P was 0.74
and Today on July 18-12 when Dow was 0.81 and S&p was 0.67
How come I made less money is it because you have to factor in other stocks affiliated with vanguard stock which i have the 2045 VTIVX fund.

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