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Thinking About Doing An Adult Site?

I was thinking about starting an adult blog doing some affiliate material and quite a bit of original material don’t I get tons and tons of cell phone pictures from guys all over the world all the time. I wanted to some how mix the pics i recieve in with the affiliate material just to keep new orginal material that competitors wouldnt have in. but i have many questions
1. How is my target audience, I know for a face all the guys in the pics i have are straight males so it could be women but gay is a larger market and they will look any way, Should i do Gay porn affiliate Or straight, I considered doing both but haveing both would probably do more harm than just choosing one. Gay guys not interested in straight porn Women not interested in gay men
2. Would i have to pay the guys? I wouldnt be selling the cell phone pics they would be free content like everything else just there hopeing to attract more traffic
3. Legally am i allowed to post their pictures? the pictures were sent from them to me? do i own the pics?
4. Could You give me an example (url) of a successful adult blog? using affiliate stuff

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