Posted on 20 May 2013. Tags: Cousin, faith, Help, lead
Okay Her step-dad is my dads cousin (my uncle) but I consider her one of my first cousins. We are both fifteen and she wasn’t raised affiliated with a certain religion but her moms side is Jehovas Witnesses and her dads is Catholic but her mom isn’t religious at all. She said she believes in God but doesn’t know any teachings of any church. I know they are not against religion at all. Yesterday I was telling her how as a Catholic I believe the only salvation is through baptism, I was trying to give her hints you know. I was also telling her how I’m not Catholic my parents are but next year I will recieve confirmation and be able to actualy say Im a Catholic and claim it’s my own faith that I’m choosing to have, and she really liked what I told her about that. I invited her to my Catechism class but those don’t start till fall but she sounded really happy when I told her so I don’t think I’m shoving religion down her throat.
I know deep down that she wants something to believe in and call her own. When I tell her all these thing I know she not taking it in offence. I told her to join the youth group cause it actualy Is so much fun and the people are so down to earth and caring(she even said she wanted to join one). Any ideas to help her soul and relationship with God strengthen? I don’t go to mass which I should but… Nah (bad Catholic:( lol)
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Posted on 15 October 2012. Tags: 18 years, believer, better person, faith, hypocrisy, Keeping, mild anxiety, negative thoughts, paragraph, positivity, realization, Religion, talking bout, tho, way
hello im 18 years old and im having trouble finding myself and where i belong in this world. im don’t want to bore you guys w/ a long tedious paragraph, so i shall keep this short and simple.
from since i could remember ive always questioned my faith and religion. now that i am much older i have come to realization that i’m a believer, but i do not wish to affiliate myself w/ an organization. much so because of the hypocrisy . i have one problem tho…i am no way near spiritual as i would like to be.
i must admit that i occasionally have negative thoughts more than i should and these thoughts come from my mild anxiety. how am i suppose to become a better person and finding myself if im always negative towards myself. i want to change the way i think cleanse my mind with positivity .
everytime i would try to pray or something my negative thoughts would kick in saying “youre not really praying” “you dont know know what you are talking bout”…blah blah blah. & then i would start to feel like i was being pretentious about trying to be spiritual.
how do you stay positive?
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Posted on 07 October 2012. Tags: afterlife, atheist, belief system, cannot, conscious choices, faith, faiths, information, intellectual capability, life after death, philosophy, probabilities, Probable, religious foundation, religious rhetoric
This is not a religiously oriented question. I don’t care what faith you have, scientific or religiously verified conclusions are welcomed. Though, I am someone who appreciates scientific verification’s above religious rhetoric or philosophy. I do not like to put faith in things that cannot be verified or recognized to be slightly probable.
The extent to which we can calculate or figure out probabilities is determined by our intellectual capability to recognize patterns. The less bias we are, or how receptive we are to new information that may oppose our current world view, the clearer we can identify these patterns and base our actions on reasonable probabilities. Since it’s in the very nature of our brain deny ideas that do not fit into our current paradigm, the more attached we are to a belief system, the less able we are to make conscious choices for ourselves.
Therefore, I make it clear I am not basing my question on a religious foundation, nor am I not excluding religious probabilities. I am not biased, and I am not looking for biased results in this question. If you believe life after death or don’t, I would like to know what information you are using to base your faith on that particular probability.
Though, desiring a response from an Atheist may seem pointless and obvious, however, there is indeed information non-religiously affiliated that would be appropriate enough to put faith in a probable afterlife. I wont go into detail, because it is irrelevant to my question, but understand I am desiring answers from all aspects of beliefs and faiths.
God, or Godless, what do you think is the fate we all share when we die? Nothing? Afterlife?
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Posted on 11 July 2012. Tags: biases, class, college kids, elitist, faith, food stamps, health insurance, job, mormon, morons, pockets, vote, wasnt, wealthy family, Welfare
We have an elitist mormon, and a socialist kenyan. There both absolutely horrifying. I really hope you people dont put that much faith into these men. Obama is an epic fail and Romney is no better. So what really drives you to support either of them???
Just to point out. Obamacare will make it virtually impossible for you an I, (Unless born into a wealthy family) to start a small business. Why? For any employee you hire, you have to provide health insurance. If not, you get a hefty fine. As if it wasnt hard enough. Job creator? More like job killer. Fail. As if food stamps, and welfare wasnt enough for lazy morons with 7 kids they couldnt afford to have. THE GOVERNMENT SHOULDNT BAIL YOU OUT BECAUSE YOUR A RETARD. Same goes for the adjustable rate tuition stupid college kids took. You wouldnt do it when you get a mortgage, why would you get it when your going to school? Idiots…everyone is an idiot
Romney. Do you think a man who has never fallen below his current social and financial class gives 2 sh*ts about the middle and lower class? Absolutely not. He’s never walked 2 feet in our shoes. He’s an elitist who cares only about his pockets and his pockets only. Are you blind?
If you support these candidates because your affiliated with a certain party, then you are an ultimate fail. Why would you support somebody just because there affiliated with a specific party? biases? I dont like Obama either, but I sure as hell wont vote for Romney. To me, anyone who does vote for these idiots, is wasting thier vote. Its like a vote on how to destroy America, and not make it any better
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 14 May 2012. Tags: 2 girls, 7 months, adjective, faith, feelings, girlfriend, losing weight, marriage, suicide, two girls
My boyfriend and I have been dating 1.5 years and he not only says he doesn’t love me, but feels he is incapable of loving, period. He waited until we’d been dating 10months to tell me he is not attracted to me because of my weight, but will be if I lose about 30lbs (yeah, right..), and further still has very strong feelings for 2 girls he met before we did. He dated one of these two girls while he and I were dating (but NOT in a “relationship”) and he tried is damnedest to keep her a secret from me. Sometimes he says he wouldn’t mind if I found someone else, he says he doesn’t get jealous, and sometimes regrets choosing me over pursuing the two girls (he went on 2 dates with each, girl1 two years ago, girl2 last year – still has strong feelings for both) I really don’t know what to do, I’ve tried working with him and he hopes we will work out toward marriage and a family (he says he won’t be ready for another couple years – I am ready now..). If I could give him my heart to feel love with, I would, I try to show him what love looks like in my actions and through my words; but my mind tells me our relationship was doomed from the start (it took 7 months of steady dating before he would even kiss me; after he kissed me for the first time he regretted it, and we had to take a month break…after 1 month, he asked me to be his girlfriend. The next day he regretted THAT and, after dismissing suicide, wanted to break up. I talked him out of it.)
We are both Catholic, thus we are waiting for marriage to have sex. He does not look forward to the idea of sex when he DOES get married, which I find unnerving, and he has been struggling in his faith recently…he says he wants to be with me because he will never find anyone like me again and I am more “insert-positive-adjective-here” than anyone he’s ever known (except my looks..losing weight would make me attractive to him he says??). In 1.5 years he has never once driven to see me, I always drive to see him or pick him up; and while I have almost always paid for our dates/meals/admissions/etc, he plans some really romantic stuff…. I just don’t know what to think. I feel heartbroken and alone more often than not in my relationship, but I would do anything for him. I have had my share of relationships and experiences, and what I feel for him is love in spite of himself, I care more for him than I do for me, it’s very scary, and when he corrects people with “Oh, we’re not in love!” I feel like my entire body and soul want to cry. He is younger than me: I am turning 27 soon and he just turned 24. I am only his second girlfriend, his first having lasted about 2 months, and as only the 2nd girl he’s ever kissed I give him leeway because I think he’s scared of commitment but it seems so much more than that.
He lives with his parents still but want to move out once he gets a job (he just graduated summa *** laude and is having trouble with the job market). We also live 3hrs apart and I only get to see him once every 2 weeks normally. We have never once had a fight, just drama…he tells me I’m too patient, that he would have left much sooner if he were me, and but agreed with me when I said though we have 500 reasons to break up it only takes one good one to stick together…my one good reason is that I’m completely in love with him, but I don’t know his. He, by the way, said he wants to be the first to say he’s in love, so, I think he knows my feelings, but I can’t tell him
Is there any hope for us? I have been ready for marriage and kids for years and when he says something like “If I asked you to marry me right now would you say yes? :3” I feel on top of the world; but when he follows it a month later with “I’ve never REALLY thought about marrying you..” it hurts. Simple, cut to the core, pain. I don’t know what to do…
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 20 March 2012. Tags: authority, biblical inerrancy, Blood, child killers, derogatory words, evangelical fundamentalists, faith, fiction novel, hell, last judgment, ministry, racial discrimination, speaking in tongues, sports fanatics, tongues and prophecy
Crucicentrism-a sect of Evangelical Fundamentalists, who base their teachings purely on the Last Judgment and thoroughly believe that good people will become Angels and sinners will become devils and both will fight in the Last Days. The Crucicentrists have an air for drama, playing out their beliefs in plays, and practice Bibliolatry (bible worshiping) and Bibliomancy (divining through the bible. They do not believe in sainthood or priesthood, but ‘angel-hood’. Every Halloween, they go to their Church and preach about the punishments in Hell and adorn their Church basement as a hell with stereotypical demons punishing sinners with pitchforks and fire. They deem snakes as evil, Catholics as pagans, Baptists/Methodists/Mormons/Lutherans/Ep… as heretics, Satanists as child-killers and evil, Wiccans and Pagans as satanists, Jews/Homosexuals/Atheists as misguided fools, Muslims as evil etc. They also condemn Shakespeare and are in favor of Prohibition, Revivalism, Bible literalism, Biblical inerrancy and authority, Creationism and Intelligent Design. They also runs a ministry called the Covenant of Restoration; where it supports chiliasm, eschatology, dispensationalism, premillennialism and saving souls. Another Ministry called Army of Innocents, includes young and older children to take their faith seriously and prepare them for ‘spiritual warfare’ and teaches them to defy secularism and liberalism. Crucicentrists also believe in Spiritual Gifts such as speaking in tongues and prophecy.
Zenithism-a sect of conservative Evangelism mixed with hardcore Politics. They are in favor of Americanism, Jingoism, Nationalism, Patriotism, Capitalism, Commercialism, Televangelism, and Consumerism. They are also sports fanatics, and fight against racial discrimination, although they do have used derogatory words as ‘compliments’.
Adamianism-a sect of Marketing and conservative Calvinists who support and advocate and live by Patriarchy, Patriocentricity, Androcentrism, Antifeminism, Dominionism, Providentialism, and Classism. They like to sugarcoat the past as it were peaceful and family-friendly before feminism or gay rights or the like. They dream of living an upper class 1950s/Frontier/Colonial society. They believe women should be homemakers and mothers and must be under the protection of their father or husband. They believe women should be cherished and protected as a ‘delicate flower’ but she must not get a job or go to college or even have authority over a man.
Cainism-A dark and shady religious sect that worships the biblical Cain as a god. The faith consists of antinomianism, maltheism, gnosticism and reincarnation. They believed in ultimate chaos, that paradise is an evil illusion, and that all humans are truly gods and should be free to do as they please. However, years of being hunted and tortured by outsiders, the followers remained true to the faith and have performed secret rituals; drinking the blood of aborted fetuses of both human and animal, offering fruits and vegetations as sacrifices, fasting, and bathing in the blood of ‘siblings’. The flock participated in libertinism, but the clergy follow a strict code of celibacy. Their sacred text is the Gospel of Judas. The clergy also possess a form of psychic power.
Reasonism-a group of Misotheists, Dystheists and Antitheists. They are humanistic but wholly anthropocentric. They ridicule anything spiritual or supernatural, and regard fairy tales and fantasy as childish, immature and useless for children when they should be learning grown up stuff.
Sardanapalism-A philosophical sect of pleasure-seeking, self-gratifying ideas and beliefs. The philosophy started out good but future generations have stained it with decadence. Its ethics seems similar to Pyrrhonism, Hedonism and Sybaritism. The followers live lives of total apathy, sensuality, luxuriousness and festivity.
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