Tag Archive | "Free"

Chemical Free Relaxers?

I really want curly hair without, all the Chemicals. My hair is very damaged but I want A healthy, Chemical relaxer to either get straight or curly hair any Ideas? MY hair Will NOT get A curl.

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Is It Ironic That The “free Market” Is Making People Less Free As The Rich Take More And More?

or as the Republicans like to call it “they earned it”, they earned the right to reduce your wages and benefits while they take more and more and more and more until there is nothing more to take.

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Free Software To Drive Target Traffic To Your Affiliate Website?

Hi there
There are lots of so called 1 button softwares that promise you to get thousands of visitors within a day…. most of them are scams… or they drive traffic, but not targeted at all….
I know it sucks, but the best traffic is still what you do manually, or maybe with tools (some of them might work)…
Some good methods to drive traffic to your webiste are:
– PPC (like google adwords, but there are lots of other PPC services) – paid traffic
– Video Marketing (especially via YouTube)
– here at Yahoo! Answers
– do SEO
– submit articles about your forum
– Squidoo and Hubpages
– Blog commenting
– Forum posting
– Craigslist
– email marketing
– Ad Swaps / Solo Ads – paid traffic

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Is There Any Ways To Get A Free Ipad? What Are The Best Websites For Earning Points To Get Rewards?

Forget it, those Free Ipad offers which require you to sign up to 13 different trials, credit cards, etc. You have to have a credit card to qualify, the great majority of people blow some money on the products but can jump through all of the hoops they put up, some operators may never award the prie.
This example site requires you to complete 8 promotional offers (most costing you money) they make it tough in order to pay off as infrequently as possible, read the requirements:http://getofferstoday.com/info.htm?tp=to…
(It pays affiliate marketers $1 for sending prospects:)
“Program Review Getofferstoday.com is a freebies site that is simple and easy to use and has served over one billion people in the past 3 years. They have sent over 10,000 laptops and 26,000 unique gifts in that time period and they pay for shipping and handling! There are no future obligations, the gift is the user’s when they complete the program requirements.”
Looks like the chances of the average visitor getting a prize is 1 in 27,778 ( 1,000,000,000 / 36,000 )

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Traveling The Usa For Free?

okay i’m 22 and became Christian 2 years ago.. since then it has been very hard finding my “niche” in life, as well as a loyal group of likeminded radical believers..
anyways, this past summer i went on a 2 week discipleship school.. it had about 300 people and i was hoping it would lead me to friendship.
i ended up not making ANY real friends because almost everyone came with a group of friends, and i came alone.
anyways, when i got home from this 2 week school, this girl responded to an old-ish email of mine who ran a ministry on Warped Tour (2 month long music festival in the USA). i emailed her in hopes of ultimately asking if i can join them on warped tour.
to my huge surprise, she said i could join them on warped tour…
i figured they’d have tons of people asking if they could join and hit the road with them and travel the USA… the weird thing is NOBODY asked. so she said i could join if i want.
should i take my chance on this? the ONLY reason i want to do it is to impact peoples lives. do you think i should do it?

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Is This Text A Scam Or Is It Real?

I got a text from 909-538-6641 saying “Your entry last month has WON! Go to TargetContests.com and enter your winning code 36273 to claim your FREE $1000 Target gift card within 24hrs.” I went to the website and its affiliated with prizecenterdirect.us. Is it a scam?

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