Posted on 13 June 2012. Tags: 3 years, beautiful girl, co workers, coffee, college, freshman, freshman year, Girl, Show
There’s this beautiful girl who works at a place I’ve been affiliated with for about 5 years now. I was an employee for 3 years, and currently on my 2nd doing services there. She works with all my friends/ex co-workers, and it has been brought to her attention that I am interested in her; It has also been confirmed she is interested in me too. We were introduced briefly, but it was only enough to break the ice since she was busy working. I am going to be seeing her on and off this weekend and I was thinking of ideas that can show her I’m interested in her. I came up with small things so far like maybe surprising her with her favorite ice coffee? Any ideas and opinions will be much appreciated. Thanks.
P.S I’m 21 and about to be a SR in college, she just turned 18 and is going into her Freshman year .(just a little background)
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 31 May 2012. Tags: airhead, close friends, freshman year, introvert, living in the city, Party, party animal, Security, social closeness, social niche, social stability, stability, stereotype, undergrads, way
*I’m also female by the way
I didn’t make any friends in my dorm freshman year. I think this is because most of these women were dumb, party-animal, airhead types. We were nice to each other and all, but I really don’t think anyone could have forced us to be friends. Now, this doesn’t mean I don’t ever party, but I’m by no means the stereotype of a female college student.
I’m a junior next fall, and I have made some friends, including two close friends, but I really don’t feel any stability with my social life. In other words, I don’t feel like I have a “core” or “base” that keeps me feeling socially secure. I truly feel like I’m on my own and have to fend for myself. In some ways this is great because I’m an introvert and so I can have my “space”. Yet, when I want that social closeness (either from a friendship or relationship) I don’t have it… What I really want and feel I’m missing in my life is a sense of social stability/security… I haven’t found a social niche, really. There is one group I’m friends with (and can say I’m part of for the most part), but it still isn’t providing that security in terms of my social life.
I guess I just don’t like that I have all these connections, but little solid or reliable social support and security. How do I change this? Meeting people at this school is a ridiculous challenge. With 55,000 undergrads, even people who have joined smaller clubs are fairly distant. The atmosphere around here makes it challenging to make close friends unless you were already from the area
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 19 March 2012. Tags: apparent reason, being friends, college, female sophomore, freshman year, friendLESS, Group, odd reason, party animals, Reason, social stability, solid group, sophomore, stable group, upperclassmen
First of all, I’m not friendLESS, which is a good sign. However, I do not feel like I have a solid group of friends that provides that social stability/support. I am currently a (female) sophomore in college and I am having a hard time finding my niche or close group of friends in college. I feel like most people make their friends from their hallway freshmen year. Last year I got unlucky and lived in a dorm that attracted the types of people I specifically could never find myself being friends with–the superficial party animals. I also roomed with a girl who seemed to be on the same page as me (ie: neither of us fit in with the types of people who chose to live in this dorm) but she wasn’t interested in being friends with me for some odd reason, and grew to dislike me for almost no apparent reason.
I remember within the first week we both felt like everyone in my hall clicked off very quickly and before I knew it, both of us were alone, and she ended up transferring out after the first semester. Looking back, I kind of wish I had too because I didn’t fit in at all. But for some reason I thought if I stuck it out maybe it would get better.
So that explains largely why I didn’t make that many friends my freshman year when I “should have”. The school I’m attending also has about 50,000 undergrads, so it can be difficult to make the connections.
This year, I’m living in an apartment with random roommates (and will probably find myself, embarassingly, doing the same thing my junior year :/). While I have some friends, I want a stable group of friends, but I feel like all the upperclassmen already have a group of friends and aren’t looking for any more. Plus, it is difficult to break into an already formed social circle. My problem is, I have a lot of trouble following through with relationships and turning acquaintances into friends. I have people who I sit with in class, see at work, etc. but I have an extremely difficult time taking relationships to the next level. Its not that I’m that fearful of rejection, I feel like the whole process of asking to get food or hang out will be awkward. I’m also afraid that it isn’t appropriate to take things to the next level.
At this point, I feel like it is most critical to make friends because in the working world it’s even more difficult. I would even like to find a mate in college if possible, but I don’t know if that will happen or not either.
It just seems like everyone else has found their niche here and is comfortable with their adult life whereas I feel like I am just floating around without any stable social relationships to keep me grounded. Again, I am not in a position where I have zero friends. I do have one really good friend who I’d consider reliable. I have two other friends (who are also mutual friends with each other), but both of them are social butterflies so I really only feel like an option to them. So they’re not very reliable because they both already have their own separate group of friends.
What can I do to improve my confidence in my social life?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 23 January 2012. Tags: extreme, foot radius, freshman, freshman year, Home, obscenities, penis jokes, popular girl, pot head, school stuff, serious conversation, SLUT, stereotypes, t text, text
I dunno what happened. Freshman year of high school, things were fine. But this year…I don’t know what it is. Every conversation seems forced and I find myself avoiding them at times. I don’t text them much and I make up excuses to stay home on the weekends. These girls are all nice people, but I guess they can be immature at times. Sometimes it gets embarrassing because they are so unaware of how they act. They tackle people in the halls and shout obscenities, completely unaware that they are not the only people in the school. I know that it’s all typical high school stuff, you know, the penis jokes and what not, but they take it to the extreme and annoy everyone within a 1000 foot radius.
“stop raping my pencil, you slut”
*cackle* *snort* *giggle*
“It’s SOO BIIG! Sooo hard!!”
“Yeah, your BANANA!”
*more cackles*
I really can’t have a serious conversation with them EVER.
So, I kinda want to distance myself from them a bit, but I literally have no other friends. We are the “losers” of the school, which I really don’t mind except that I have no friends. I’ve tried making new friends, but…no luck. I’m not your typical popular girl, goody-goody nerd, theater geek, slut, pot head, or the-****-class-lets-hook-up-in-the-back-… kid.I can’t find a niche. Does anyone have any advice, or have you felt the same way?
***sorry to use all those stereotypes. I know it isn’t really like that, but i wanted to show how “clique-y” my school is.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 02 December 2011. Tags: Biased, blahblah, class, english teacher, english teachers, freshman year, invention of sliced bread, juniors, math and science, niche, SOO, subject, Teacher, typos, wasting my time
English is my favorite subject; I’m really passionate about it. I work soo completely hard in it. My teacher makes us write a journal and I’m so proud of mine. I always in it and I’ve been told my work is insightful and such…blahblah. however, compared to this boy in my class, I am considered nothing by my teacher. He thinks this boy is the best thing since the invention of sliced bread. we are juniors and he has been in my english class since freshman year. He is very intelligent and definitly better at me in math and science; but not English. I know I’m boss at it. It’s the only subject I feel excited about; I feel like I’m in my niche. I’m getting really depressed that I work so hard and although I am comended, in my English teacher’s eyes, this kid is God. I don’t know what to do. It’s really bothering me. I guess its because I look up to my English teachers and now the fact that this one thinks I’m inferior to this boy is bothering me. I know in life there are going to be people better then you at things; that’s life. Yet, I know I’m a much better writer and have much better insight than this kid. This is not to be cocky; its just that english is my strength and his lie elsewhere. I’m so frustrated that I spend so much time making my journal perfect and now I feel like I’m just wasting my time. Please help!!!!! am I a psychotic; obsessed with being the best? or is it I legitimate to feeling this way?
ignore all my typos; im feeling lazy 
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 08 November 2011. Tags: black hair, bump, drinking, family friends, freshman year, Korean, korean pop music, mexican culture, mexican music, mexicans, music, outcast, smoking weed, staff member, weed
My school is 95% hispanic (Mexican to be specific) and I’m supposedly Mexican too but I’m light skinned, slanty-eye’d and have black hair so everyone thinks I’m Asian. I don’t celebrate Mexican culture at all, the Mexicans at my school are gang affiliated. They think I’m “lame” for not smoking weed or drinking at 13. When my family/friends talk in Spanish I never understand them. Instead of bumping Mexican music I bump Korean Pop music (The only time I ever listen to Mexican music is to make my family happy.) And on top of that I get called zipperhead by the other students. (there are no Asians at all in this school, there was 1 Asian staff member before but he left) I also want to grow my hair out (which will cause more jokes with the fact that I wear glasses too). What do I do to stop being an outcast or the rest of freshman year. (I’m going to a school more closer to my city next year.)
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