Posted on 01 February 2013. Tags: Believe, General, Guys, hollywood, Illuminati, Industry, music
Do you guys actually believe artist sell their souls or do sacrifices to get their fame ? Sometimes I think “why can’t a celebrity just be talented and made it their on their own” but you start doing research and putting dots together and might just think it’s real
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 16 December 2012. Tags: 5 months, Answer, answering your questions, different light, General, guy, insider, kid, mixed feelings, no boundaries, stupidity, target, text, weekday, womanizer
I have mixed feelings about this guy and I really would love to figure it out and maybe be enlightened in a different light. I have heard both good and bad things about him from a few different people.
The positives: He’s a really good guy, he’s really nice and was a great kid in school.
The negatives: He’s a womanizer, he has no boundaries for people in a relationship or in general.
We tend to talk almost everyday, we have got flirty, and personal and discuss all kinds of things including our past and previous relationship. One thing I don’t like is that he wants me to send him some risqué pics, not necessarily naked but I am not willing to do so and he knows it.
He seems like he’s really into me because of how often we text and he does smile when he see’s (Almost every weekday) But I remain skeptical. I have asked him time and time again if he would take me out and if we could hang out, outside of work and he keeps letting me know that it’s not okay since we are affiliated with the same company, as much as I don’t like it I understand and respect it completely and think it’s completely responsible and respectable.
He will be leaving our company in June, so I do have 5 months to figure him out but I would love to maybe have an insider help me out with this one.
What really led me to think he may be into me is the fact that he was texting me at his step brothers wedding, when he really could have been enjoying himself.. but apparently I was on his mind.
Any ideas on how i could protect myself, my integrity, get him to want me and make sure he’s completely into me.
Please I am 21 and he’s 26, no stupidity.
Best answer and 10 points well be rewarded to the best answer.
Leave your link below and I will reciprocate by answering your questions as well.
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 02 September 2012. Tags: ecological niche, fish, General, Help, niche, type, type of fish
I seriously can’t find this anyyyywhere :/ I need to know simply what a fishes ecological niche is, maybe a few details, I know it is hard because there are so many type of fish but any helpful answers would be a great help! 
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 23 April 2012. Tags: biological resources, contest, General, living organisms, market economy, mates, niche, prestige, rivalries, Sociology, tenet, territory, water supplies
Competition in biology, ecology and sociology is a contest between organisms, animals, individuals, groups, etc. for territory, a niche, or a location of resources, for resources and goods, for prestige, recognition and awards, for mates and group or social status, for leadership; it is the opposite of cooperation. It arises whenever at least two parties strive for a goal which cannot be shared or which is desired individually but not in sharing and cooperation. Competition occurs naturally between living organisms which co-exist in the same environment. For example, animals compete over water supplies, food, mates, and other biological resources. Humans compete usually for food and mates, though when these needs are met deep rivalries often arise over the pursuit of wealth, prestige, and fame. Competition is also a major tenet in market economy and business is often associated with competition as most companies are in competition with at least one other firm over the same group of customers, and also competition inside a company is usually stimulatied for meeting and reaching higher quality of services or products that the company produce or develop.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 01 August 2011. Tags: Affiliate, Anti-government, General, Government, ideology
Also which party or main ideology do you affiliate with?
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 07 July 2011. Tags: bravery, Career, career direction, creative endeavor, direction, General, gt c, life circumstances, new fashion, niche, Place, real health, typical career, Work, worries
As I rebuild my hope and my life in on creating a niche for myself, I find myself asking when considering going out on my own in a particular career direction and/or creative endeavor that is not a typical career, etc ….?what is the point when> A) so many previous attempts/directions have fall through already or didn’t work out due to various reasons, B) I have real health limits that make it hard to just push on through like a bull and most of all…>C) there are so many others doing similar pursuits that I ask… ‘is there even a place or need for what I have to offer??…should I even bother putting it out there??
I vex quite a lot over this and struggle to continue summoning up the bravery or confidence to push past my own worries or the illusory limits of the market. Moreover I struggle with gaining the clarity to keep on pursuing something because I feel like, ‘well It’s been done or is being done by so many…so why bother?’
It’s very discouraging….I know what I would tell someone else…but I’m me and cannot seem to see past my own worries or the world. A lot of that youthful, fiercely independent and outside the box bold a$$ thinking and living was kicked out of me when I got sick and things fell apart and now as I rebuild I am doing so in a different, new fashion that is not quite as bold as I used to be. So I’m literally having to figure this out now, 10 years older and life circumstances GREATLY changed as a result of it all…etc….anywho…
Curious what others think about about pursuing something that is already done by many others, against all odds and still being positive about it?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101