Tag Archive | "genuine currency"

When Future Computers Will Be Able To Print Fake Currency Notes, What Will Be The Mode Of Exchange?

Day by day computer technology and printers are advancing. A time is not far away when advanced computers of the future age will have the capability to identify the secret marks and codes of a genuine currency note and print an exact duplicate of it, which would be hard to identify as a fake one. What I am talking is not a science fiction. There are already fake notes in the market which use computer technology, which sometimes go unnoticed. The future fakes will be even harder to identify. My question is : if this really happens in future, what will be the mode of exchange in place of currency notes for selling and buying commodities and business in this world. Who will believe even a genuine currency note? How then we would tackle the chaos everywhere? It is said that there are already billions of fake money circulating world wide, which we not even have identified as fake.

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