Tag Archive | "Have"

A President Is Not A Leader. Why Do We Have One?

A true leader represents ALL of the people as a single whole, not one political party such as Republican, Democrat, Libertarian. I know most people would disagree with me but what we need is a Monarch. Perhaps not an absolute monarchy but a constitutional monarchy like what several other nations have. A figure head that represents the best of all of us and who can truly represent the people. Someone that a president must bow to and answer to to keep HIM in check. Such a leader should not be affiliated with any party nor should they have a hidden agenda. They would exist to represent the people. I want a figure head that I can respect and die for. Not this pretender “American” that disgraces the white house with his presence. This Kenyan foreigner.

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After I Submit A W9 Form, Do I Have To File Yearly Tax Returns ?

Good Morning,
I would like to join an Online Affiliate Network and as part of their application process, I have Fill in a W9 Form.
I would like to ask that if I submit the W9 Form, Will I have to file yearly Tax Returns with the IRS ?
The W9 Forms asks for SSN, address etc etc.
Will they send all these details to the IRS ?
Thank You and Regards

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Help Science Hw Have No Idea?

I’m in 7th grade doing this lesson review and I’m stuck on two questions on ecology.
1.) How do the populations in a community depend on each other?
2.) owls and hawks both eat rodents. They are also found in the same habitats. Since no two populations can occupy exactly the same niche how can they both coexists.
A reminder I’m in 7th so the answer doesn’t have to be all big and super explanatory or if you can at least guide me

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I Have A Personal Finance Homework Plz Help Me Its Just A Few Multiple Choice Questions?

guys plz help me answer these 7 questions its a multiple choice
i need to submit the homework tomorrow morning !!
1- In which life stage should you start an IRA?
Select one:
a. Early family life stage
b. Independent life stage
c. Empty nest life stage
d. Dependent life stage
2- Which of the following best describes a reverse mortgage?
Select one:
a. Is only available to those 60 years of age or older
b. Requires the sale of your home to benefit from the equity built up in it
c. Allows you to live in your house, have access to your equity and is available to those 62 years and older
d. Is a fixed rate mortgage, the reverse of a variable rate mortgage
3- Which of the following describes what investments are?
Select one:
a. Savings vehicles that provide the same return as certificates of deposit
b. Savings vehicles with no risk
c. A way to have your money grow faster than inflation
d. A foundation for your savings
4- Which of the following is NOT a possible problem associated with pre-paid debit cards or debit card affiliated with universities?
Select one:
a. Big fees for using out-or-network ATMs
b. Fees just to active the card
c. Hidden fees for paperwork or other issues
d. You need to shop around and understand the fine print just as with any financial instrument
5- Which of the following is the most important advantage of foregoing overdraft protection?
Select one:
a. Online bill pay or recurring payments on your debit account will not be hit with fees if you have an overdraft
b. You need to opt out of overdraft protection
c. Banks can’t charge big fees when you have an overdraft
d. Allows you spend beyond your budget and the amount in your checking account
6- Which of the following should you select for investing if you think your income taxes will be lower when you retire?
Select one:
a. Roth IRA
b. Traditional IRA
c. Certificate of deposit
d. Gold
7- You can use your money in a 529 plan for everything EXCEPT.
Select one:
a. Tuition
b. Books and mandatory fees
c. Room and board
d. Transportation to and from college

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My Yahoo Id Has Been Stolen .. Can I Get It Back .. I Have Alternate Email..?

Yahoo’s advice is to change your password, but there are several more security settings to change as well as just your password. This Help page has more information, stated clearly, with several links to clarify the steps.http://help.yahoo.com/kb/index?page=cont…
and more at http://help.yahoo.com/kb/index?page=cont…
1. FIRST, check that the alternate e-mail address/mobile phone number is still yours, under Options, Mail Options, Account Information, but then change the alternate address, so the hacker will not be notified of the change! Check the ‘Reply To:’ address, Vacation Response and other linked Mail accounts as well to be sure they are still yours. Check and delete any Contacts, accounts and linked social networking sites you do not recognize.
2. Then change both your password AND your secret questions and answers. Make the password a long, strong one with mixed characters! Length = Strength for passwords! Start with a sentence and make substitutions with numbers, symbols and punctuation. Go to “Update password-reset info” to change your Secret Questions and Answers. Make sure they are unchangeable, unique, and easy for you to remember. For a Yahoo account, you can change your password at https://edit.yahoo.com/config/change_pw. If you can no longer access your account, you can get a new password at https://edit.yahoo.com/forgotroot/.
See http://strongpasswordgenerator.com/ for more tips on creating a strong password(and what NOT to use) OR http://www.informationweek.com/langa-let…
3. *** If spam mail was sent to any of your contacts, apologize, and notify all your contacts NOT to open short e-mails, especially those with no subject, and definitely not to click any links. Warn them to change their passwords and scan for malware too, just in case. (The limit is 100 addresses per mail, and 200 per hour, but send to far fewer than that in each message, just in case you trigger Yahoo’s spam ‘suspicious activity’ detector.) Set up an alternate ‘alias’ account to use instead. This allows you to use a different address for sending, but still keep all saved mails and contacts and the first address active too for incoming mail. Your friends can trust this new address! There is a choice of address in an arrow in the From: box. Also add a signature to your mail so your friends will be sure the mail is really from you …http://edit.yahoo..com/config/list_alias (alternate address)
*** Changing your password also deletes the cookie which apparently inserts that sly trojan address grabber that sends spam to your Contacts list. ***
If you used this password for other accounts, change them too – make every one different. Make the password much longer than 8 characters, with mixed symbols.
Usually, this is all you need to do, although mail will still be sent in the name of the old account for a short while – there’s nothing you can do about that. Once spammers have a valid address, they continue to use it, even after the account is closed/deleted!
Answers is a Jungle

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Why Do Football Teams Have Their Names?

I want a good answer

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