Posted on 13 February 2013. Tags: biology/evolution, Help, Homework, Please
A group of brown moths is attracted to a tree. The moths blend in with the bark of the tree and are hard for birds to find. This helps the moths blend in and avoid being eaten by the birds. In the spring the tree turns from brown and green to white as it produces hundreds of white blossoms.
Which of the following adaptations would be most likely to help the moth species survive?
A.An adaptation to fly higher. (< Im thinking its A.??)
B.An adaptation of white wing color.
C.An adaptation to eat tree leaves.
D.An adaptation to produce less offspring.
In the United States there are many types of rabbits. Four different species can have four different ranges or habitats.
In which range would developing white fur in winter most likely not be an advantage?
A.southwest states: Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado
B.southern states: Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama
C.northern states: Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Idaho, Wyoming, Minnesota
D.northeast states: Maine, New York, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Ohio
As the finches on the Galapagos Islands became more and more varied, whether due to available food sources or geographic isolation, what was occurring?A.predation
D.competition (I think its D..?)
Earth has undergone some catastrophic changes from time to time.
Which of these most likely explains why life on Earth continued following these catastrophes?
A.A wide diversity of species existed. ( I think its A..?)
B.Dominant species had a slow mutation rate.
C.Many species filled the same niche.
D.A strong species had many different characteristics.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 09 February 2013. Tags: Choice, Finance, Have, Help, Homework, Just, Multiple, Personal, Questions!
guys plz help me answer these 7 questions its a multiple choice
i need to submit the homework tomorrow morning !!
1- In which life stage should you start an IRA?
Select one:
a. Early family life stage
b. Independent life stage
c. Empty nest life stage
d. Dependent life stage
2- Which of the following best describes a reverse mortgage?
Select one:
a. Is only available to those 60 years of age or older
b. Requires the sale of your home to benefit from the equity built up in it
c. Allows you to live in your house, have access to your equity and is available to those 62 years and older
d. Is a fixed rate mortgage, the reverse of a variable rate mortgage
3- Which of the following describes what investments are?
Select one:
a. Savings vehicles that provide the same return as certificates of deposit
b. Savings vehicles with no risk
c. A way to have your money grow faster than inflation
d. A foundation for your savings
4- Which of the following is NOT a possible problem associated with pre-paid debit cards or debit card affiliated with universities?
Select one:
a. Big fees for using out-or-network ATMs
b. Fees just to active the card
c. Hidden fees for paperwork or other issues
d. You need to shop around and understand the fine print just as with any financial instrument
5- Which of the following is the most important advantage of foregoing overdraft protection?
Select one:
a. Online bill pay or recurring payments on your debit account will not be hit with fees if you have an overdraft
b. You need to opt out of overdraft protection
c. Banks can’t charge big fees when you have an overdraft
d. Allows you spend beyond your budget and the amount in your checking account
6- Which of the following should you select for investing if you think your income taxes will be lower when you retire?
Select one:
a. Roth IRA
b. Traditional IRA
c. Certificate of deposit
d. Gold
7- You can use your money in a 529 plan for everything EXCEPT.
Select one:
a. Tuition
b. Books and mandatory fees
c. Room and board
d. Transportation to and from college
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 09 February 2013. Tags: biology, Help, Homework, Please
A question I have to answer for my biology homework is “Explain how differences in the niche requirements of organisms can contribute to community patterns such as zonation:” and we have to relate it to the rocky shore. I have no clue on how to answer this does anyone know?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 07 October 2012. Tags: biology homework, Homework, niche, organism, organisms, penguin, service, set
Okay so im learning about niche right now. And i have to answer these questions. I can research any organism, my teacher gave me a set of questions.
And i don’t understand 1 of them.
I am researching a penguin.
“What service does it provide for other organisms nearby?”
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 25 September 2012. Tags: business, Entrepreneur, Gap, Homework, market, niche, Profit, thnx
So, for my business, we have to choose an entrepreneur and write about their business and why they set it up, also if the entrepreneur set up the business to make a profit and if the entrepreneur found a gap/niche in the market? So, the main thing i need help with finding an entrepreneur, thnx!
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 31 July 2012. Tags: Adaptations, biology homework, Biotic, ecological niche, gannet, Help, Homework, niche, physical environmental factors, Question.
I really need help with this specific question. “Discuss the important features of the ecological niche of a gannet referring to specific biotic and physical environmental factors and the four generalized types of adaptations. thanks any help greatly appreciated 
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101