Posted on 03 August 2012. Tags: advertisements, Alvarado, az usa, clothing, interior, savvy customers, Shop, stock, store, store advertisement, store interior
So, to get more stock space I need to sell an article of clothing from a store advertisement. I’ve sent out three different advertisements in the past three days.
My store interior is Grace’s shop, and I have sent out Alvarado and AZ-USA, the affiliates of it, and one Masquerade ad.
Customers will NOT buy anything from my ads, and it’s getting really frustrating. Please help!
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 31 March 2011. Tags: big l, dancing, deals specials, funky friday, interior, ketchup, meal deals, nuggets, secret recipe, signature sauce, steak, steak marinade, theme, theme parks, trophy
Im not sure if youve heard, but I want to make a family restaurant called Larry’s family funhouse, its going to have a nice charming interior with photos of me holding a trophy, me line dancing, me in vegas winning the big one and photos of me that you get at theme parks on rides. Its going to feature the “L-bone steak”, larrys famous fish nuggets and a promo callec funky friday with meal deals, specials such as my funk steak and a funk themed disco. What do you think of the restaurant opinions and additional ideas are welcome, and more importantly can I market my famous funk steak marinade and larrys secret recipe ketchup for folks to take home? do I need a patent ect
Cheers, Big L
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101