Posted on 15 November 2011. Tags: affiliate program, Html, Javascript, jscript, own website, programming tips, quiz time, Schools, sfi, w3schools, Website
I am trying to make my own website for the affiliate program SFI, so I need some programming tips.
I’m already a decent coder with HTML so I can do basic stuff there, but with javascript I’m a little rusty. By javascript I DO NOT MEAN JScript or Java. Do not say w3schools, or echoecho. I have used both, and have found w3schools to be incredibly confusing and echoecho when it comes quiz time, the ads disrupt it.
DO NOT SAY W3SCHOOLS OR ECHO (unless you know how to turn off ads on Echo)
I also need to learn JavaScript for it. Just little things, not much. Again, NO W3SCHOOLS OR ECHO (Unless you can turn off the ads in echo)
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 01 February 2011. Tags: benedetto marcello, Berlin, berlin philharmonic orchestra, choice radio, computer science project, Javascript, list, london philharmonic orchestra, nazi party, new england conservatory, orchestra london, Royal, royal concertgebouw orchestra, vienna philharmonic orchestra, Work
Part of my computer science project is making a multiple choice radio button quiz in HTML, and I’ve already done that. Now the part we have to do now is to make the quiz actually work with javascript. We’re supposed to have a submit button that when clicked, displays how many questions you got correct. Help please?
Here’s my code for the quiz (non-working). It’s basically a giant list with forms being the list items.
Including comments would be helpful.

Life and Career
Musical Work
Signific… and Legacy

Think you know about Karajan? Take this quiz to find out!
- What two orchestras were Karajan mostly affiliated with?
- What year was Karajan born?
- What year did Karajan die?
- Who was NOT a specialty of Karajan?
- What year did Karajan join the Nazi party?
- Where did Karajan go to for college?
- How many cycles of Beethoven’s symphonies did Karajan record?
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 12 December 2010. Tags: bottom, images, Javascript, page, piglet, preload, Scroll, scroll bar, web page
How can I get the scroll bar at the bottom of my web page to preload images:…
Ill give the code if needed.
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 29 September 2010. Tags: Adobe, idea, Javascript, niche, Programming, Website
I have a social network niche that is untapped. In other words, I have an idea for a social network that no one has used. How do I go about creating it? Any programs(Adobe, Javascript, ect.?)
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101