Tag Archive | "Jobs"

Non-commital, Restless, Easily Bored Types. What’s Their Role In Society?

What benefit does someone provide who is self-centered, restless, non-commital and easily bored with routine and being around the same place or same people. They will often change jobs often, and move around. What benefit does someone like that have on society? Society seems to favor someone who fills a niche in life, does one thing and does it well. The ones who raise a family and holds down a job for years and does it well. But as much as society favors them, and as much as they serve a valuable purpose in society, women seem to more actively and energetically pursue the man who is the opposite, the man who is dynamic and restless and easily bored, and often self-centered. Why is that?

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Non-commital, Restless, Easily Bored Types. What’s Their Role In Society?

What benefit does someone provide who is self-centered, restless, non-commital and easily bored with routine and being around the same place or same people. They will often change jobs often, and move around. What benefit does someone like that have on society? Society seems to favor someone who fills a niche in life, does one thing and does it well. The ones who raise a family and holds down a job for years and does it well. But as much as society favors them, and as much as they serve a valuable purpose in society, women seem to more actively and energetically pursue the man who is the opposite, the man who is dynamic and restless and easily bored, and often self-centered. Why is that?

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Non-commital, Restless, Easily Bored Types. What’s Their Role In Society?

What benefit does someone provide who is self-centered, restless, non-commital and easily bored with routine and being around the same place or same people. They will often change jobs often, and move around. What benefit does someone like that have on society? Society seems to favor someone who fills a niche in life, does one thing and does it well. The ones who raise a family and holds down a job for years and does it well. But as much as society favors them, and as much as they serve a valuable purpose in society, women seem to more actively and energetically pursue the man who is the opposite, the man who is dynamic and restless and easily bored, and often self-centered. Why is that?

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Non-commital, Restless, Easily Bored Types. What’s Their Role In Society?

What benefit does someone provide who is self-centered, restless, non-commital and easily bored with routine and being around the same place or same people. They will often change jobs often, and move around. What benefit does someone like that have on society? Society seems to favor someone who fills a niche in life, does one thing and does it well. The ones who raise a family and holds down a job for years and does it well. But as much as society favors them, and as much as they serve a valuable purpose in society, women seem to more actively and energetically pursue the man who is the opposite, the man who is dynamic and restless and easily bored, and often self-centered. Why is that?

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Non-commital, Restless, Easily Bored Types. What’s Their Role In Society?

What benefit does someone provide who is self-centered, restless, non-commital and easily bored with routine and being around the same place or same people. They will often change jobs often, and move around. What benefit does someone like that have on society? Society seems to favor someone who fills a niche in life, does one thing and does it well. The ones who raise a family and holds down a job for years and does it well. But as much as society favors them, and as much as they serve a valuable purpose in society, women seem to more actively and energetically pursue the man who is the opposite, the man who is dynamic and restless and easily bored, and often self-centered. Why is that?

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Good Jobs For People Who Are Good In Science?

I’m 18 and still trying to did my niche’, I was great in science, so then I started to look up jobs like x-ray techs and realized the sight of blood and bones jutting out of the skin make me sick-_- any other suggestions?

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