Tag Archive | "keyword"

What Niche Was The Most Hit By The Recent Google Penguin Update?

That would be hard to determine since the Google update affected all websites that practised keyword spamming and other over-optimisation methods.
My guess would be the popular niches with a lot of competition, like the making money online and computer/electronics niches.

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Help With Amazon.com?

can i register on amazon.com as affiliate with blogspot blog??
when i want to register web site keyword.blogspot.com amazon says:
” Please specify a valid URL in this field.”
what’s the problem?

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Is There Any Tool Were I Can Find Sites For Particular Keyword?

example if i search for “affiliate program” need to get related sites to me

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How Easy To Rank For Low Keywords?

I have roughly about 7 keywords I would like to rank for, I have checked all with exact search on google keyword tool, they all say low competition, and all 7 keywords only get searched about 40 times each per month.
My domain is 2 worded and contains parts of both keywords.
If I set up a blog, how easy should it be to rank for these, its very niche, and how would I best go ranking for each keyword, like would a quality 1000 word article on each be enough.
Any advice please appreciated.

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Have You Measure Your Long Tail Keywords Opportunity?

Have you ever measure the opportunity a keyword gives you. Off course you did, but only for short phrase keywords. These are most popular, competent keywords in your niche. It is hard to catch the target of these keywords against your competitors. If you are new in line then this would be impossible for you. Do you know that google get every day 20% unique search quries? Every 5th query is totally unique and never searches before. This means visitors change their searching strategies, keywords every day almost. This means to rely on specific keywords is not worthy any more. Try new experience with long phrase keywords.

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I Have Been Doing Some Keyword Research Using Market Samurai, I Have Seen Some Websites Geting About 10 Visits?

a day, the sites are affiliate sites earning comission per free sign up plus a attractive bonus for signing up in a popular niche, all the sites have weak compettion and are PR0 with the keyword in the url and few backlinks, my question is would it actually be worth while to own these sites with only 10 visitors a day?
for each sign up I will get 15

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