I took a political compass test and it said I am 4.88 points to the left wing, and 4.77 points down as a social libertarian. What ideology would I most likely affiliate with?
Posted on 10 November 2012.
I took a political compass test and it said I am 4.88 points to the left wing, and 4.77 points down as a social libertarian. What ideology would I most likely affiliate with?
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Posted on 17 October 2011.
Several of the Democrats I’ve recently talked to about politics have been statists. As a libertarian, I try to find points of agreement with people to keep hostility to a minimum. When I said I thought things like ending US military involvement in the middle east and ending drug prohibition were good ideas, they disagreed with me. Two people even disagreed that the federal government should mandate that gay marriage be legal. At first I was surprised, and then I realized that Obama is a Democrat and holds very similar, non-liberal views.
Has anyone else noticed this? I know there are still real liberals like Jared Polis in the party, but they seem to be a dying breed. Is the Democratic party trending toward a new ideological position? Are actual liberals still comfortable affiliating with it?
Please don’t try to extract an argument from my question; there is none. It’s a real question that has been inspired by my personal observations.
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Posted on 22 April 2011.
I’m telling ya, I can’t tell the ‘diff’ between these so called party affiliates anymore. DNC & RNC(Arlen the SpEcToR 4 example) poliTICKins just amble across the aisle & change party ID at will. It appears to me that big bucks, phukin the pup, entitlements & an easy go are all that matters to these career politicians anymore. I’m not saying there are not a couple three good ones that have the country & it’s Constitution at heart, but players like McSame & H. Clintoon are so transparent in their personal greed/motives as to be a public embarrassment.
When I dropped the DNC decades ago & joined the RNC I was laughed at by many. When I dumped the RNC for our Libertarian party I was laughed at too. BUT, the ones that WERE laughing at me are not laughing anymore. I am constantly hearing from others just what drove me away from both the DNC/RNC. At our last House party DNC supporters were whining that Obama was another Bushwhacker. RNC supporters were whining that the RNC was as tax happy & big government as the DNC. I kept telling em that the DNC/RNC are a two headed monster but it’s like they are under the red/blue trance & can’t get out of it.
Because of the risque nature of our parties, politics does NOT divide us so we can all pitch a political beach without risking the chance of alienating one of our fellow playmates. Because of this the TRUTH REALLY does come out… like not a ONE of them is happy with the RNC/DNC status quo, not a one of em!
I’d really be interested in hearing about your level of contentment with the party that you can most identify with, the pros & cons. The ONLY regret I have with our Libertarian party is that we do not have more lovers of Liberty with us… other than that I’m happier with our Libertarian party than an IRS agent in an audit!
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Posted on 16 March 2011.
I’m a SAH mom, and I LOVE listening to podcasts while I clean, do laundry, garden, etc.
However, the podcasts that I listen to (Free Talk Live, Rachel Maddow and Best of the Left) don’t accurately reflect my conservative/libertarian values…. Although Free Talk Live is pretty close.
Why aren’t there any comparable Republican podcasts? I COULD listen on the radio, but the commercials are forever long, and I don’t really CARE about the traffic, and I don’t want to pay $20 a month to each of the talk show hosts. I like FTL and BOL’s model, you pay if you want to, and they’re also Amazon affiliates, and it works for them.
Just curious, if I recorded the talk shows and cut and pieced together parts of them like Jay from Best of the Left does, and then distributed them as podcasts online, would that be illegal? If so, how does he do that legally?
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