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Im Wasting My Life Away, What Can I Do?

I feel like im wasting away. Im 25, and i dont do ANYTHING. I’ve been off for nearly 3 weeks now and i’ve done nothing but sit on my *** day in day out watching tv and playing on my laptop. I’ve yet to get my drivers licence cause, i don’t care. I Went to college but ended up dropping out cause yes, i stopped caring. My lifelong dream of going sky diving was accomplished this past summer and yeah, i feel like it wasn’t as great as it should have been.
I’ve tried just about everything i could think of, career-wise and hobby-wise and i feel like i just can’t find what i need. For about a year i used to hit he gym just about every 2nd day, then i stopped caring. I’ve taken courses galore hoping to find that niche that everybody is supposed to have, but every time it starts, i get sick of it.
As a child i was in advanced classes, im not a stupid person, but i just dont have any motivation. More and more im becoming hesitant in spending my money trying anything cause i feel like the materials will just end up taking up space in my closet like the rest.
Any suggestions as to what i could do?

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