Tag Archive | "majority"

I See A Lot Of People Here Complain About The Lack Of Anime On Tv?

Anime does poorly on tv. It’s a niche market and doesn’t sell well to the majority. Adult Swim for example would make more money if they completely dropped their anime, but they still air it. They get significantly more viewers for their comedies than any of the anime they show.

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Pa Ged & College Questions?

I am seventeen, I had to leave my school for personal reasons, I have planned on getting my GED when I turn eighteen, I plan on going to Northampton Community College directly after. I live in PA.
i have a few questions.
-Can I take the GED course before I turn 18
if so can I go straight into school I have completed?
-Should i be applying to school’s now even though the last year of high school i completed was my sophomore year?
This is supposed to be my senior year. a majority of my friends have already gotten their acceptance letters to schools and things like that.
-I want to be a photographer will any high end art schools take someone who only has a GED?
The Ged program i am interested in is affiliated with the community college I plan to go to.
if you can only answer one of my questions i dont care any information you can give me is greatly appricated.
Please do not leave links to web pages that do not have someone you can talk to. i dont do well unless my questions can be answered not just anyones questions.
Thank you for anything you can do.

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Christians, How Do You Feel About A Super-majority Of Religiously Affiliated Americans Believing That…?

many religions can lead to eternal life? (70%)
That includes a simple majority of Evangelicals (57%).
Source: “Religious Landscape Survey”, Pew, 2007http://pewforum.org/Age/Religion-Among-t…

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Do You Think It’s Difficult Not To See The Train Wreck?

It’s no secret America’s dependency on cheap fossil fuel resources, an abundance of other non-renewables, and an enormous agricultural hearth. The economic activities associated with these have made America undisputably the major economic player in the world… in a historical context they’ve spurred on trade surpluses and major industry… nowadays I would argue you see it’s spinoffs with a nation that has the majority of the world’s purchasing power.
What do you think America should do to conserve this? Western agricultural lands will (if they haven’t already) start drying up… underground aquifers are running low, cheap irrigation water is stretching thin. Non-renewable fossil fuels are far past their peack domestically, with world peak supply coming soon…. they will inevitably grow too expensive to have cheap transportation to market, thereby increasing prices for common consumer goods. American industries are moving to other nations to exploit cheap labour to reduce marginal costs… this is obviously hurting secondary industries at home.
This train wreck is coming in one form or another so long as America’s economy continues it’s reliance on this. What would you propose the American peopel do about the following:
1) Industrial dismantling in the US
2) Water shortages threatening agricultural lands
3) Dependence on non-native monoculture crops that ruin ecologies of certain areas.
4) Dependence on non-renewable fossil fuels (the majority coming from foreign supplies).

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Do You Think It’s Difficult Not To See The Train Wreck?

It’s no secret America’s dependency on cheap fossil fuel resources, an abundance of other non-renewables, and an enormous agricultural hearth. The economic activities associated with these have made America undisputably the major economic player in the world… in a historical context they’ve spurred on trade surpluses and major industry… nowadays I would argue you see it’s spinoffs with a nation that has the majority of the world’s purchasing power.
What do you think America should do to conserve this? Western agricultural lands will (if they haven’t already) start drying up… underground aquifers are running low, cheap irrigation water is stretching thin. Non-renewable fossil fuels are far past their peack domestically, with world peak supply coming soon…. they will inevitably grow too expensive to have cheap transportation to market, thereby increasing prices for common consumer goods. American industries are moving to other nations to exploit cheap labour to reduce marginal costs… this is obviously hurting secondary industries at home.
This train wreck is coming in one form or another so long as America’s economy continues it’s reliance on this. What would you propose the American peopel do about the following:
1) Industrial dismantling in the US
2) Water shortages threatening agricultural lands
3) Dependence on non-native monoculture crops that ruin ecologies of certain areas.
4) Dependence on non-renewable fossil fuels (the majority coming from foreign supplies).

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Do You Think It’s Difficult Not To See The Train Wreck?

It’s no secret America’s dependency on cheap fossil fuel resources, an abundance of other non-renewables, and an enormous agricultural hearth. The economic activities associated with these have made America undisputably the major economic player in the world… in a historical context they’ve spurred on trade surpluses and major industry… nowadays I would argue you see it’s spinoffs with a nation that has the majority of the world’s purchasing power.
What do you think America should do to conserve this? Western agricultural lands will (if they haven’t already) start drying up… underground aquifers are running low, cheap irrigation water is stretching thin. Non-renewable fossil fuels are far past their peack domestically, with world peak supply coming soon…. they will inevitably grow too expensive to have cheap transportation to market, thereby increasing prices for common consumer goods. American industries are moving to other nations to exploit cheap labour to reduce marginal costs… this is obviously hurting secondary industries at home.
This train wreck is coming in one form or another so long as America’s economy continues it’s reliance on this. What would you propose the American peopel do about the following:
1) Industrial dismantling in the US
2) Water shortages threatening agricultural lands
3) Dependence on non-native monoculture crops that ruin ecologies of certain areas.
4) Dependence on non-renewable fossil fuels (the majority coming from foreign supplies).

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