i have some experience and extensive background in a field that one cannot just learn about anywhere so i want to sell my knowledge online. i want to pay for a website to be posted on google with a ” how to manual” and sell a short book or pamphlet for 150.00. i have basic ideas on how to market a book/pamplet online via a website but need some pointers. im assuming if i sell a video then it will be duplictated and resold by scammers so i think a mail order would work where i simply bill the customer for postage and mail it out. any ideas? im assuming that key words and google placement is key as you need to maximize hits on your site to increase hits etc.. other than that the info for sale should market itself… im wondering how i can protect the knowledge or reproduction of the material ie. infringement so its not stolen or massed produced like napster and music. obviously this is just a pamplet of info but id like to maximize this opportunity do you have any suggestions. basically this is inside business and advertising secrets etc… i want to appeal to entreprenuers and business folks and paying for this knowledge would enhance their market postion greatly etc…. what format would be best to sell information on like should i type of manuals or ” how to ” books? thanks
any ideas? thanks!