Tag Archive | "merchandise"

Where To Find Merchandise?

I have noticed when I go to local flea markets that there are a lot of people selling merchandise that is found is stores we all visit every week. Merchandise comes from sears, walmart, kmart, and cvs just to name a few. I have asked several people where they get their merchandise and no one will tell me where to obtain it. They just say it is a secret and I have to find it on my own. I even see people selling food merchandise for very cheap prices. Most of the items sold are always at least half of what the major stores sell them for. I live in south carolina and would like to know where to find these places to go and purchase these items for resell or for personal use. The products always have the yellow stickers on them. so I am sure that they are store returns. I was sure I had found a place in summerville, but have been unable to relocate this place. Any and all help on this would be greatly appreciated. I know some people will say liquidation.com, but I do know that the majority of the products are picked up at warehouses. I am very interested in selling this merchandise, and since I am a big buyer, I would like this merchandise for personal use. Any information where these warehouses could be located would be a great help. I am looking to purchase pallets, or truckloads.
Thank You,

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How Many Of You Actually Think That Wwe’s Audience Is Mainly Kids?

After my question ‘Did you feel insulted by John Cena’s comment on Raw last night that said ..’ this has got me thinking about how many of you are knowledgeable in regards to WWE & it’s audience?
It’s no secret that WWE’s fans are a lot of kids, but it is actually proven statistics that the audience of kids are very very small, theirs a clip somewhere of Vince saying this (maybe Youtube) & how kids are classed as under 12’s, teens then adults from 16 upwards, however the majority of fans are actually between 20’s up until mid 40’s & even above, mainly in their 20’s & 30’s however is the biggest audience, of which they know through ticket sales & audience stats.
That’s not taking away how big & important the audience of kids are, as although it’s only a very small percent, because WWE is so huge that small percentage of kids makes a hell of a lot of money for WWE by merchandise sales, specially with all the John Cena merchandise.
I was wondering how many of you actually know/realise this as judging by some of the answers in the previous question, it made me wonder.
When you listen to the crowds chants, they are dominated by adult voices, unless Cena appears which it’s girls & kids & the boo’s are dominated by adults, but think about things such as the Ziggler chants, this is pretty much the whole arena & these are fans of wrestling, whichj is why Ziggler gets cheered even though his character is a hell, but it’s because he is so good at what he does (No one bumps & sells the way Ziggler does on the roster, he’s very old school which proves that old school is the best), also the fact that all the old school stuff is marketed so much & saving WWE TV a lot now (the re-occurance of this from IC belt, to ice cream bars, to legends appearing & mentioned so much in promo’s is all a part of this), also shows that the WWE audience is actually made up of mainly adults.
However, the small percentage of kids is still huge enough to keep happy because of the size of WWE, they make so much money from the kids buying merchandise.
Debate away & trolls feel free to troll also, as this is also another post with a perfect opportunity for you guys!

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How Many Of You Actually Think That Wwe’s Audience Is Mainly Kids?

After my question ‘Did you feel insulted by John Cena’s comment on Raw last night that said ..’ this has got me thinking about how many of you are knowledgeable in regards to WWE & it’s audience?
It’s no secret that WWE’s fans are a lot of kids, but it is actually proven statistics that the audience of kids are very very small, theirs a clip somewhere of Vince saying this (maybe Youtube) & how kids are classed as under 12’s, teens then adults from 16 upwards, however the majority of fans are actually between 20’s up until mid 40’s & even above, mainly in their 20’s & 30’s however is the biggest audience, of which they know through ticket sales & audience stats.
That’s not taking away how big & important the audience of kids are, as although it’s only a very small percent, because WWE is so huge that small percentage of kids makes a hell of a lot of money for WWE by merchandise sales, specially with all the John Cena merchandise.
I was wondering how many of you actually know/realise this as judging by some of the answers in the previous question, it made me wonder.
When you listen to the crowds chants, they are dominated by adult voices, unless Cena appears which it’s girls & kids & the boo’s are dominated by adults, but think about things such as the Ziggler chants, this is pretty much the whole arena & these are fans of wrestling, whichj is why Ziggler gets cheered even though his character is a hell, but it’s because he is so good at what he does (No one bumps & sells the way Ziggler does on the roster, he’s very old school which proves that old school is the best), also the fact that all the old school stuff is marketed so much & saving WWE TV a lot now (the re-occurance of this from IC belt, to ice cream bars, to legends appearing & mentioned so much in promo’s is all a part of this), also shows that the WWE audience is actually made up of mainly adults.
However, the small percentage of kids is still huge enough to keep happy because of the size of WWE, they make so much money from the kids buying merchandise.
Debate away & trolls feel free to troll also, as this is also another post with a perfect opportunity for you guys!

Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)

Set Up An Online Store?

so i want to put up an online store but i don’t want to have to deal with actually shipping the merchandise.
is there a way to have a store on my website with people purchasing things off my website but when they buy something the order goes to someone else who does the shipping etc.
i believe that if i become an affiliate then the person buys the item off the affiliate’s website not mine. is that correct? cause i want to keep them on my site.

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What Is Victoria Secrets Merchandising Philosophy And Merchandising Mix?

Im doing a project in college for fashion retailing and i need the information for victoria secrets merchandising mix Like how do they merchandise their products and their merchandising philosophy meaning what strategey do they use to make sales ans to market to customers and get their products sold

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