1. i am shy. i can’t find topics on the spot or have a good convo. i talk to the point but i try to participate and contribute and learn. i am straightforward. but i am not a boor, infact i appear elegant.
2. i don’t read novels, books, magazines – because i don’t get much time, but once i settle down in my work life, i definitely will because i like it.
3. my physics, bio, history, geography don’t look like i didn’t go to school but then they are not good either. However whatever time i get, i spend reading all this and improving my knowledge.
3. i dont talk much socially thinking i will say something foolish and people will make fun.
4. i topped in my school which is the best in town. but i think i was just a bookworm throughout. I have very less XP in life, but I am trying to focus on one area and find my niche.
5. i am lenient & cool. i am not perfect but not fastidious. “let it go” till it is very serious – that is what i like. i don’t make fun of people unless they deserve a middle finger. i have a soft corner for hapless and poor.
6. i am a music freak.
7. i like laughing all the time, and create good humor, sometimes it can be a big PJ or just because i want to find humor. it’s harmless.
8. lastly, i will love my girl and will do anything for her. Well to drop a few lines, a girl i see. she is so beautiful, looks damn stylish, and i am afraid to go and talk to her because i am shy (but she doesn’t seem). I refrain from introducing myself cuz i am shy and she seems indifferent. i don’t have the courage.
Can a girl like such a person?
Thanks, pl pl pl answer this. 10 points are all yours