Tag Archive | "niche market"

Suggest Funky Name For A New Firm Dealing In Green Tea?

will be importing and retailing high quality green tea for niche market

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Is Having A Niche Market An Opportunity Or Strength?

A company has niche market(specific audience). Is this an Opportunity or Strength?

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What Is Niche Market?

It is the specialty part of a buying group.l
eg. Almost all women will buy handbags, but only a
small group will want or can afford a Coach handbag.
So the Coach handbag group is the niche market

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I See A Lot Of People Here Complain About The Lack Of Anime On Tv?

Anime does poorly on tv. It’s a niche market and doesn’t sell well to the majority. Adult Swim for example would make more money if they completely dropped their anime, but they still air it. They get significantly more viewers for their comedies than any of the anime they show.

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Why Do Games Cost So Much More Than Movies?

an average new release game goes for $50 or more, a movie goes for around $10. why is this? is it because of a smaller supply? the industry caters to a more niche market? is it more costly to develop a game compared to a movie? please, add your thoughts, you have my thanks 🙂

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How Can You Find Out What A Niche Market “wants?” I Don’t Have A List Yet. I Want To Create Product For This.?

Ask them? Do a survey.

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