Ask them? Do a survey.
Posted on 06 July 2011.
Ask them? Do a survey.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)
Posted on 02 July 2011.
It is very costly to host different niche market under different domain names. Is there a way to save cost ? Example,one domain name for resell car, one for fitness, one for vegetable wholesale, all different domain names but pay only for one domain name?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)
Posted on 20 June 2011.
Chinese women are so prone to osteoporosis and osteoarthritis and high calcium milk can surely help here. Can Chinese milk producers tap this niche market of high calcium milk?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)
Posted on 18 May 2011.
In the case of possible redundancy in the near future (If it’s your sole source of income) and the job market and global economy heading for potential disaster what possible risk mitigation strategy can be used to not only survive, but potentially overcome the financial consequences of a downturn? esp since lending is becoming increasingly difficult.
I was thinking possibly investing in relatively secure markets? But as a complete noob don’t really know which ones would provide generous risk free returns. Any ideas?
What about establishing your own business in a niche market? Is that feasible?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)
Posted on 17 May 2011.
I am doing an assignment about a company called Cash Connections. It is a company that basically purchases your gold and gives you money in return. They also offer services such as western union, bank transfers, etc.
This is the question I have to answer:
What is Cash Connections strategy? Which of the five generic strategies discussed in Chapter 5 most closely fits the competitive approach that Cash Connections is taking?
I have to apply one of these generic strategies:
1- Best Cost Provider Strategy: -Make an upscale product at a low cost.
2- Focused (Niche Market) Strategy. Concentrate on narrow piece of market.
3- Focused (Low-Cost) Strategy. Offering a lower price than competitors.
4- Focused Differentiation Strategy: – Targets upscale buyers who want world class attributes (eg Rolex, Rolls Royce)
I was guessing it would be number one or two.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)
Posted on 07 May 2011.
Hi, I have been doing a little research and I have had a great idea for my own website in a very niche market that I would like to pursue. Unfortunately I have no idea how to go about this, whether to set up a website or a blog and how to do it. My website will probably take a more blog style of writing, as in written by me and being more personal, however I would eventually like to start advertising with it to make money, and allowing people to sign up to it as well, so would it be more beneficial for me to create a website? if anyone have any knowledge about website/blog creation they can give me, and the best creation site to use to go about this, i would be most grateful for their advice!
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