Posted on 03 August 2012. Tags: Browser, Internet, Open, Wont
Alright, this seems like a simple thing to fix, but i’m baffled..
My computer is connected to the internet and everything, but for some reason my google chrome nor Internet explorer will open! I can connect to skype, and other internet affiliated programs, but my internet browsers refuse to work. Every time i click on my chrome shortcut, it opens to the google home page, and then says Google has stopped working instantly… Somebody help me!
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 22 July 2012. Tags: 18 years, 3 years, brother, Close, everything, house, long time, niche, old texas, Open, open question, seattle washington, Time, wonderful time
Your Open Question: Feeling super down about coming back from my vacation…please help.?
A week ago I went to stay with my brother and his wife for a week in Seattle, Washington. My brother is like 18 years older than me, I’m 14, and so we are close but not super close. I hardly ever get to see them (I mean once every 3 years or more) so I was really looking forward to this trip. After getting there, everything was amazing. It couldn’t have gone better. I got closer to my brother than ever before, got to know his wife, and got a grand tour of Seattle. I loved everything so much, I want to move to Seattle when I grow up. It was the best vacation I ever had in my life, and I was beginning to actually get into the niche of life at his house. Well, today I flew back to hot old Texas and just got home. I am so depressed and sad, I tear up every minute. I miss everything, and it makes it so hard to know I won’t see them for a long time, and we never keep in touch much. I have jet lag too, which makes everything worse. I just can’t stop thinking about how I had a wonderful time and how much I miss my brother and stuff. So, any tips? Is this normal?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 15 April 2012. Tags: catalog product, com, Dress, empire waist, Link, much money, Open, Prom, stock, wetseal
SO I found this BEAUTIFUL dress for my prom.
This is a picture>…
This is the actual link>…
It says item not in stock.
It’s been like this for awhile.. can anyone find it somewhere else or one like it?
I found this;…
but it’s too much money and doesn’t have the cute waist.
Any help at all? Any dress like it?
Open for suggestions.
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 15 April 2012. Tags: authoritarian government, business, china camp, Country, economic advantage, Fema, hundred million, innovators, joe biden, Need, Open, orthodoxy, time usa, trade secrets, visit
And whatever was Joe Biden thinking when he recently said the following after hosting China’s presumptive next leader Xi Jinping in a visit to the United States?
America holds at least one key economic advantage over China. Because China’s authoritarian government represses its own citizens, they don’t think freely or innovate. “Why have they not become [one of] the most innovative countries in the world? Why is there a need to steal our intellectual property? Why is there a need to have a business hand over its trade secrets to have access to a market of a billion, three hundred million people? Because they’re not innovating.” Noting that China and similar countries produce many engineers and scientists but few innovators, Biden said, “It’s impossible to think different in a country where you can’t speak freely. It’s impossible to think different when you have to worry what you put on the Internet will either be confiscated or you will be arrested. It’s impossible to think different where orthodoxy reigns. That’s why we remain the most innovative country in the world.”
Once upon a Time USA was the Greatest nation on Earth 4 Years under the rule of a Kenyan (lost)
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 05 March 2012. Tags: cubicle, huge room, humidifier, job, niche, Open, sense
I work in a large office and have my own cubicle there (no windows). The office is air conditioned, but the air gets very dry, so my eyes are always red and hurt badly by the end of the day. The quality of air also makes my nose runny. I wonder if I can buy a humidifier and keep it in my cubicle? Will it help me, or it doesn’t make any sense since the office is huge and it won’t do it’s job in keeping the air humidified around me? My cubicle is in a small niche, so I do have 3 walls. But the entrance to my niche leads to a huge room… I can’t ask my employer to put me in another cubicle or install an expensive humidifying system for the office… Are there any solutions?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 06 November 2011. Tags: bit, bottom, clash, Open, outfit, pocket, tops, uk product…
(worn open, I know it says brown but it’s a dark red)…
(in a bit size so it’s over sized)…
(I’d hide the pocket think that one out the bottom so they don’t clash with the top, and i’d tuck the top in loosely)
and it will be worn with tights!! 
Posted in Featured Articles