Posted on 31 May 2012. Tags: airhead, close friends, freshman year, introvert, living in the city, Party, party animal, Security, social closeness, social niche, social stability, stability, stereotype, undergrads, way
*I’m also female by the way
I didn’t make any friends in my dorm freshman year. I think this is because most of these women were dumb, party-animal, airhead types. We were nice to each other and all, but I really don’t think anyone could have forced us to be friends. Now, this doesn’t mean I don’t ever party, but I’m by no means the stereotype of a female college student.
I’m a junior next fall, and I have made some friends, including two close friends, but I really don’t feel any stability with my social life. In other words, I don’t feel like I have a “core” or “base” that keeps me feeling socially secure. I truly feel like I’m on my own and have to fend for myself. In some ways this is great because I’m an introvert and so I can have my “space”. Yet, when I want that social closeness (either from a friendship or relationship) I don’t have it… What I really want and feel I’m missing in my life is a sense of social stability/security… I haven’t found a social niche, really. There is one group I’m friends with (and can say I’m part of for the most part), but it still isn’t providing that security in terms of my social life.
I guess I just don’t like that I have all these connections, but little solid or reliable social support and security. How do I change this? Meeting people at this school is a ridiculous challenge. With 55,000 undergrads, even people who have joined smaller clubs are fairly distant. The atmosphere around here makes it challenging to make close friends unless you were already from the area
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 26 April 2012. Tags: "tea, bunches, conservatives, control, gay marriage, global warming, gop, gop nomination, gun control, Liberals, marriage, mitt romney, Party, tea party, way
This is the least conservative running for the GOP nomination, but yet conservatives are still flocking by the bunches supporting this man and this man has never been affiliated with the tea party in any kind of way, not to mention he has been on the left of many issues such as Gun control, Global Warming, Gay marriage, Obamacare=Romneycare and so fourth….
Are liberals correct in saying that conservatives are literally some of the dumbest people here in USA?
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 14 March 2012. Tags: approval rating, Error, gop candidate, gop contenders, Hypotheticals, mitt romney, Obama, Party, popular vote, Rasmussen, republican candidates, ron pau, ron paul, support
Romney and Paul are the only two GOP contenders that have polled within the margin of error against Obama in multiple polls. What’s interesting is that Obama’s support drops from 47 to 42 when the contender is Paul instead of Romney (meaning Paul vs. Obama could be a much more volatile race).
Unlike Romney, Paul does not have popular support within the Republican party. However, even Rasmussen admits Paul is the strongest GOP candidate with non-affiliated voters BY A LOT.
I mean if Obama’s support drops all the way down to almost 40 in a head to head with Paul, wouldn’t it be worth a third party run (assuming the president’s approval rating is sub 40 and Mitt Romney is still being uninspiring)? The winner would only need about 37% of the popular vote to win.…
“Paul currently does best of the four [Republican candidates] among voters not affiliated with either of the major political parties”
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 25 February 2012. Tags: Government, gv, matter what party, Party
Doesn’t matter what party you’re affiliated to.…
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 23 February 2012. Tags: Becoming, Expression, Fable, home business, hostess, initial investment, intimate expression, intimate expressions, ira, leg work, owning your own business, Party, toke, way of life, Work
yes there is very few. but its more like owning your own business. There will be some leg work but it is on your own terms. Much like a affiliate you receive a commission off the sales that you acquire. i know all this to be true from what my wife has done for this family with intimate expression. it toke a initial investment of 100.00 but we made that back and then some off the first party she worked. 50% commission, hostess credits and what not don’t come out of your cut, also with online sales. yeah you cant beat this company it really saved me and my family’s way of life. we have three children and this is all we do now. but here is the site if you are interested. is there the fable work from home Business that everyone dreams of. no im sorry there isn’t. but can you be your own boss and work your own hours also making great income to live on. oh yeah there is. just check it out for yourself.
Posted in Featured Articles